Charging a
mentally ill13 year-old as an adult is absolutely sick.
Charging a
mentally ill13 year-old as an adult is absolutely sick.
Whores. That's why.
Grow one that is really long and you can tie it in a knot. you'll always have a condom.
I would never circumcise a child (for the same reasons I will never perform trepanation on a member of my village), but I could care less about growing mine back.
Thanks for your input. We'll file that under creepy overshare.
Ok. I don't know shit about photography but find the idea that those seats are of differing widths to be completely implausible.
Wide angle lens. It just appears that way.
I haven't heard Graham 'Galloping Gourmet' Kerr's name in ages. That is a blast from the past.
Then next time (and we all know there will be a next time with the guy), there will be charges.
Not with all that floor space in front of them they don't.
I'm sure he will stop driving when he finds out no insurance company will cover him.
I can casually eat a whole Chipotle burrito without blinking (doesn't mean I should.)
I'm a burly sumbitch. I can crush that burrito before you're done picking the least sticky pepper shaker to bring to the table.
Now that you're off the payroll, will you be switching back to your old moniker?
I'm avoiding meat and dairy. I can make rice and beans for a month at the same price of one burrito bowl.
I live in the moment when it comes to restaurant food. Doggy bags are for the weak.
I make this one, but with red tomato (but would try yellow ones if I ever find them.)