...is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield...
...is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield...
So, if I wanted to be the town clerk I could refuse to issue hunting/fishing licenses (in Maine) due to veganism? Awesome.
I wonder how Kentucky officials will feel about her beliefs when the SCOTUS rules against her and Kentucky is on the hook to pay the penalties for so many blatant civil rights violations? Every single couple she has turned away would have a valid claim against both Davis and the state of Kentucky for civil damages. It…
$400 is not an exorbitant amount.
Classism and plain old human nastiness.
1) I thought this was in Lousiana, so thanks for straightening that out.
I’m sure fundamentalist Christians will be donating $500k+ to a Kickstarter for her...right about now.
Sucks that she has no recourse for getting fired. I’m curious though: what are the workers’ comp laws like in Texas? My old job was for a business that performed workers’ comp psych evaluations. People who were robbed at gunpoint were frequently awarded settlements for psych care, usually PTSD or anxiety disorders.
Don't give them any ideas.
Well, it’s not like these Republicans practice a religion founded by someone who was once a child refugee in the desert or anything.
So let me get this straight...
It’s pretty sad when the hypocrisy of the GOP is laid evidently bare.
In Arizona, our local Catholic church was part of a larger faith based program called “No More Deaths”. One of the biggest illegal border crossing areas in the US is the Sonora Desert, between Arizona and Mexico. During the summer, temperatures reach…
Great, you want to find them all homes and psychiatric care so they can take care of themselves. She wants to feed them NOW because they’re hungry NOW.
Ezekiel 16:49 Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.
Don’t you understand? Joan Cheever is obviously trying to do good deeds to get into heaven. But as the Bible says, it’s easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than to get a rich person into heaven. So the city of San Antonio is making her $2000 less rich, thereby making it that much easier to get her into…
The fact that we need to keep having this conversation is depressing. But the fact that people are fighting these laws with principled dissent is uplifting, and makes up for the depressing bit.
Here’s an idea: maybe let’s not make it as difficult as possible to feed those in need? Just a thought.
Methinks his intentions are shenanigans from soup to nuts.