
And New Jersey. Betcha didn't think those two states had anything in common.

Only slip on shoes for her.

It's funny that you brought up language.

Unless you take the time to individually review their immigrant status, you have no idea. You just see brown people on bikes and make assumptions. Assumptions based on your shitty, racist worldview. Fuck you, coward.

Budweiser: Like sex in a canoe

I... I made that up.

You should get an MFA in furry choreography like the rest of the internet clearly has.

People. You call them people (of course this requires you seeing them as such (you clearly don't (because you're a cunt.)))

As someone who has commuted by bicycle, in Pittsburgh, five days a week, regardless of weather, for the last three years, I just want to tell you that you're wrong.

When in doubt, Busey it.

Sharks don't have nipples. Only mammals have nipples.

Wait, why was the left shark the hit? What did the left one do that was so special?

The victim, the deceased, the individual in question and even the boy are all preferable to their choice.

Dear Diary,

After reading some of the comments here, it is clear to me that the reason it didn't jump out at me (other than being grammatically incorrect) was my time in the service. Male and female became conversational shorthand that was just assumed to be followed by an unspoken servicemember, sailor, marine, airman or soldier.

The language that servicemembers used is often colored by our forms of official communication. Communication this is designed for brevity, clarity and USUALLY ALL IN CAPS. This is the same reason we love the shit out of abbreviations and acronyms.

In the Police press conference after the murder of Tamir Rice, he was referenced as 'the male' in a very purposeful, dehumanizing way.

This was a relatively unknown concept to me until I started loitering around these parts. As it is a form of contempt that was never directed at me, it was impossible to feel it's impact.

I don't wander over to The Muse very often. You've gotta earn it on each site individually. For example, I'm in the black on three of the Gawker subblogs, but I've been dismissed on Gawker proper.

I saw one with a CB900 engine in it. The exhaust pipes were sticking out of what remained of the grill. It was pretty epic.