
If we're all going to throw out suggestions, that room will get crowded quickly.

Look who has the self control to stop at one sleeve. Show off.

That sign rouses the rabble. No other corporation would touch these people with a ten foot pole.

I'm just learning about it now, but am willing to quickly forget about it.

After watching that Kristen Stewart video, I now understand why celebrities buy private islands.

Did she get naked to shimmy down the chimney, or was she already naked when she arrived?

Are you telling me that every week there is a room with both Donald Trump and Piers Morgan in it at the same time? We let this happen more than once?

With a chihuahua as Batmanuel.

Whenever the sushi chef jumps out of my holster, the baddies go a runnin'.

Throw a rubber ball out in front of your car while driving on a quiet stretch of road. If you do it just right you will catch up and it will bounce between the road and the bottom of your car with noisy, rapid-fire joy.

This is basically what Airbnb has become. Not a sharing economy so much as unregulated horseshit.

I wish I could charge my electronic devices with the excess heat my pendulous scrotum creates.


My point is...

"Come catch whatever this couch holds."

His nephew must have bricks for hands.

Time will tell...

This is just a direct marketing game that Gawker Media has chosen to participate in.