
It’s one thing to look at a work, analyze it, determine what it is trying to say, and then determining whether it succeeds at its mission and whether its mission was valid. It’s an entirely different thing to come up with what the mission of the work should be and then analyze it in that light or to let your

Yeah, even more closely it’s like getting mad at Spotlight for not telling the victims stories from their perspective (as I said in my comment).

This review, in my reading, is like getting upset at Spotlight for not telling the stories of the victims from their own perspectives. That movie doesn’t set out to do so, but does set out to tell another compelling story about the same topic, but from a different angle. Both sets of stories give a fuller picture of

A: “Haha. Your face! You should see your face right now. Oh man, you have so much poo porn on your computer right now, haha.”

Part of me thinks that there must be something I’m missing. Like people on Twitter seem to find this hilarious, so the part of me that wants to be charitable is left thinking that there must be something to it beyond the fact that it is making fun of a liberal.

There’s a dive bar in Ferndale, MI called Sneakers where the ladies restroom toilets are separated by only a shower curtain. Men’s room has a proper stall for the toilet. Neither restroom is ever clean.

You are tight that it isn’t very good. The only flavor I liked while I was there was the limited edition Jell-O chocolate pudding ice cream. It had a really interesting, sticky consistency.I put crushed up Oreos, peanut butter, and gummi worms in it. So good.

Having worked two ice cream jobs, I call bullshit.

That’s so strange. I’ve seen them a couple times and both times have been great, plus a great deal of their studio output is amazing and influential.

How about depictions of protests?

Most of UW’s logos are pretty solid. Band W is good, as are the Motion W and the W crest.

They could do alternates that are stylized version of D.C. monuments. Like I have a vision of a stylized Washington Monument. No W or anything (maybe on the side of the hat), but some cool logo that clearly indicates D.C. and evokes national monuments.

I think we need one for best cereals when eaten without milk (so essentially cereals as candy), because it would totally shake up the normal pecking order.

for anyone with even a shred of dignity, Unworth’s remark would’ve rolled off like water off a duck’s back

Gotta love the R&M fans complaining about their show not delivering enough episodes per year, with fans of the Venture Bros. like me giving them the massive side-eye.

Dang. Dude was not playing. The only thing he didn’t say is “If you do this, I will be forced to come down there and personally burn everything you love to the ground.”

It’s like when non-New Yorkers say New Yorkers are rude just because they’re not superficially nice. New Yorkers are some of the nicest people in the world if you meet them at their destination and impressively impersonal while in transit.

My mom loves KK and the fact he’s in BB is what convinced her and my dad to try the show. They love it.

Hell, American Dad was clearly superior to Family Guy!

And they will point to the big four sports leagues of paragons of pure capitalism and competition, completely ignoring that all of them are built on revenue sharing and anti-trust law exemptions.