
The neoreactionary movement on the right (aka the so called "Dark Enlightenment") has embraced science as wholeheartedly as the left, if not moreso. Human biodiversity and evolutionary psychology are two examples of scientific inquiry the left avoids for reason of political correctness.

Get rid of the race box too! Even though I appear white, I am trans-ethnic black. I feel like a black person inside. I should be allowed to check the black box. (It's just a coincidence that I would benefit from affirmative action). With these new equal pay laws, maybe I should check the F box too and get another pay

looking through these photos one thing is clear, the #womanagainstfeminism are much hotter on average then their feminist counterparts

another obvious reason for guys to avoid marriage

I call bullshit. With PC nazis everywhere these days I highly doubt IBM executives would openly say this stuff. Sounds like another pissed off feminist screaming RAPE! PATRICARCHY!

the Cultural Marxists are winning

Why do I have to justify my medical decisions to my employer?

life saving meds? Plan B and IUDs are considered life saving meds? I missed the part where Hobby Lobby refused to provide any life saving meds (hint: Hobby Lobby has and will continue to cover the pill, just not Plan B or IUDs).

so what? If you don't like it, don't work there. Again I don't see why a company should be forced to provide specific healthcare benefits. There's no outrage if a company doesn't offer vision or dental. There wouldn't be any outrage of Hobby Lobby refused to pay for prostate exams on the grounds of sodomy. I'm all for

I agree with you; I'm aware of the business model. The guy was annoying but she could have ignored him. She didn't. She thought she was special and the rules, clearly stated before the conversation, didn't apply to her and her hippo friends

All she had to do was ignore him. She didn't. It takes two to tango

so it is 4k for guys and free for girls and they are complaining about having to send pics? fuck that.

And he offered to put them on the guest list

This is horribly misleading. The promoter is not disallowing "whales or hippos" to come to the club, he's (or she) is refusing to comp them an $850 table unless they're hot. The promoter's job is to promote the club, and compensating hot girls for de-facto modeling is a big part of that

Hobbly Lobby only objects to covering abortifacients. Were there a male "pill" that operates as an abortifacient, they would object to that too

"No employer tells you whether they do or don't cover certain medications before you get hired. "

None of those workplace laws conflict with religious objections, which are protected under the Constitution. And, the laws you reference are meant to protect against workplace discrimination. It's not clear to me how a company that refuses to pay for Plan B on religious grounds is discriminating. What if they refuse

They don't need to make up this enzyme nonsense, the real science is settled that gay men as the primary vectors of HIV. It's so bad that the World Health Organization has advised ALL gay men to take retrovirals.…

why do we have to force employers to pay for plan B? if you don't like their compensation package, don't work there. Surely companies that refuse to pay for Plan B would have incentive to offer higher wages to compensate for reduced supply of willing workers, and since no one is stopping women from buying their own

keep me away from that beach! this is why i spend summers abroad