
Rodgers killed more men than women. #InconvenientFacts

I don't see the controversy. As a man I won't marry a woman any older than 28 (regardless of my age) if I plan on having kids (plural). Its just a biological reality that, unlike men, older women are less fertile. Most men I know share my sentiment. We have no reason to rush into marriage, especially not one where

and exactly what "truth" is that?

I'll sum this article up. "we don't want to be check-box hires, well we do but just don't bring it up"

So when you can't go after real fraternities, might as well pull up this nonsense to attack the fraternity system? Are feminists running out of bogeyman these days?

In general, when making fun of race, safest to make fun of the Asians otherwise the liberal hive-mind will consume itself in faux outrage.

I couldn't get through the video, the guy's voice was too shrill and annoying. I guess if being raped turns me into this guy then it must really be horrible.

She gets the ring, so she should take the name. And then she takes the house and kids.

If you want to talk about marriage equality, how about divorce law that overwhelmingly favors women? Men these days see the engagement ring, wedding cost, and divorce racket and say "no thanks, I can get sex without all that."

Lindy, do you propose an alternative explanation for the precipitous drop in marriage rates?

feed the trolls. Alot of (ignorant) arguments against AGW are being tossed around They are easily debunked. For starters, the argument that "the climate has changed before" is an easy one

its simple. hip-to-waist ratio. her's is optimal

This article is here to remind us that the biggest misogynists are women. Here is a woman who takes pride in her appearance and works hard for it, and the fatty feminists at Jezebel tear her down for it, mock her, and accuse her of having implants, etc. Way to go!

Its hilarious when liberals get tripped up in their own PC hivemind.

More evidence that modern woman are more masculine that their predecessors

But.... Yes We Can???!?

it's SO this guy's fault that

so this explains the wage gap