
this gem conveniently placed as the last sentence of this article

That's completely backwards. The origin of Gamergate was the so called "Qunnspriacy" in which Zoe Quinn was accused of gaining favorable attention form journalists she was supposedly romantically involved with. It was about journalistic integrity from the beginning. Now in an effort to completely discredit those

"Hey guys I got a death threat" (white knights rally to stop GamerGate). These "death threats" are a total joke. If I was an SJW who wanted to shutdown GamerGate, I would just cry wolf and publish fake threats. Seriously, have any of these threats been proven to be legitimate? Has anyone been arrested? Has anyone

Hey Kyle, got anything to say about your fellow Gawker editor Sam Biddle encouraging "bullying" GamerGate "nerds"? No double standards here folks, move along...

Wikileaks has come out in support of GamerGate against media censorship. It's more than a culture war - the SJWs are trying to censor. I'll be this comment isn't "approved"

what about Jewish privilege? a disproportionate number of billionaires and Nobel prize winners are Jewish. why didn't Jon Stewart mention th—-oh never mind lol

whats the point of talking about privilege if your intention isn't to discriminate against the privileged? That's all O'reilly had to say. Sure I'm privileged, but so what? Life's not fair. We're not all equal

No one talks about Asian privilege because there's not intention to discriminate against them. It's those

No, I didn't miss it. That's my point - Kyle, a Gawker Media employee, explains that another Gawker media employee had no conflict of interest despite evidence to the contrary,evidence that was omitted in this article yet mentioned frequently by others reporting on GamerGate

I made no statement defending those actions. I'll assume from your cliche straw man argument that you have nothing to say about the fact that Deadspin omitted mentioning the Rock Paper Shotgun article - a certainly important piece of information

shocking that another Gawker media outlet voxsplains away GamerGate. Way to omit the article in which Nathon Grayson gives favorable coverage to Depression Quest, during the time-frame in which she slept with him

If you're going to cover GamerGate, AT LEAST include a link to the article that sparked the whole thing

so what were you doing for the last 14 years? Are we supposed to feel sorry that all these 30 some women squandered the best years of their life and now men are to blame?

yes, unless you want autistic kids

Hey feminists, thanks to free birth control and grrrl power, high status men can date 20 somethings until their 50s. This is basically how all of Manhattan operates. And people wonder why young men aren't "manning up." They're dropping out because no man wants to settle for a used up 30 something "independent woman."

I have to give the author credit for at least acknowledging what everyone else already knows is true. Men dig young, beautiful women. Women care less about age and looks; they dig status and charisma. Shocking!

sorry ladies, but the overwhelming majority of heterosexual men get off on young, hot, skinny, submissive women. That undeniable biological reality spells doom for snark,y fat, entitled, aging, masculine feminists.

You left out the part where the crazy women is described by the teacher as a "radical feminist," but I suppose if you had mentioned that than this behavior would have been expected

Great advice for any fraternity looking to avoid the wrath of campus PC nazis. This is the expected reaction to entrenched anti white male culture on college campuses. If you systematically attack fraternities and persecute innocent men with ridiculous standards for rape (i.e, consent is null if you're intoxicated?!?)

these gifs are making it harder for us real trolls