
"Hey guys I got a death threat" (white knights rally to stop GamerGate). These "death threats" are a total joke. If I was an SJW who wanted to shutdown GamerGate, I would just cry wolf and publish fake threats. Seriously, have any of these threats been proven to be legitimate? Has anyone been arrested? Has anyone

Are you 10 years old? Yes, you are. Fuck off.

You are a fucking idiot. Go away, moron.

Grow up. Get a life. Fuck off and go for a walk in traffic.

I'm sensitive to this whole "gamergate" thing, and I feel for Anita Sarkeesian for all the online harassment, but even so I have to wonder if this is legit. I mean she's an internet celebrity, for crying out loud. Radical politicians and religious nut-jobs say things way worse than whatever she's saying and they don't

How about the guy at Yale who was ruled innocent by the Title IX office this spring and then punished anyway? Yale publishes its sex offense outcomes a couple of times a year. Online. Look it up.

You might disagree with the personal reasoning, but I think the point needs to be made that young men are (especially now) concerned with being accused of rape. It only takes the accusation of rape to ruin their lives. That concern in no way takes away the fact that rape is a crime and those that commit it are

Constitutionally protected DOES NOT MEAN the taxed citizens of the country who actually pay for it have to make it as convinient as possible for you to get an abortion.

Nothing feminists love more than objectifying a working-class male. If he's colored, even better.

I wonder how many feminists have had rape fantasies involving this #hawtfelon.

A fat person.

I'm ok with being called a troll, especially out of necessity when one cannot even carve out a tiny slice of victory from a debate which I am thoroughly dominating right now.

No, we don't. We don't need baselines because the topic, which nobody except me can seem to stick to, is whether we should be promoting and embracing fatties.

So when women make more than men, there are logical explanations.

Anil Dash sounds like a Kardashian-branded butthole-lightening cream.

Two men and no women, that's discriminatory too.

How shocking that a dude that made national news for being weird won homecoming. I wonder how good the runner up feels to know shes not even as pretty or interesting as a guy playing dress up.