
There is plenty of evidence in new studies confirming the role of genes. For example, a relevant study:

I meant to say biological, not genetic. Hormonal is a biological cause that is driven by genetics. Certainly though there is no evidence of an environmental cause

Many of the comments seem to dismiss the possibility these differences are genetic and insist they are the result of cultural/social condition. I imagine these folks ddidn't bother to read the actaul paper, which clearly suggets that the differences are genetic

It's not so much "white men preferring Asian women" but more "white men avoiding fat American women."

Don't these kids know that protesting illegal immigration and amnesty is a thoughtcrime?

Looks matter more for female attraction than male attraction. But...equality....

Having it all is unlimited sexual access to 18-25 year old young skinny women. This is what"prestige" grants the few elite men. Just look at what pro athletes, politicians, rock stars, and other super alpha men do behind closed doors.

the type of people who this fraternity e-mail offends and scream "RAPE!" are the type of people that have no fear of ever being raped, hooking up at a frat party, or having a fun, hetero-normative experience with an attractive member of the opposite sex

Anil Dash hates white men

Job related deaths and injury has a woman problem

what about ladies who pay taxes? do we have a voice?

let's see the dance she does when she's forced to take a job that's much, much worse because she just made a mockery of her work ethic. Why would any respectable firm take on this liability? Seriously, you sit in an office and make videos?

it's not entirely unreasonable to oppose paying for someone else's birth control (when it's prescribed explicitly as a contraceptive and not to treat a medical condition). Why should my premiums increase in order to subsidize your lifestyle choice? The only valid argument I can think of is the "because unwanted

Some, perhaps most, men prefer traditional gender roles in marriage. Much easier to find overseas

here's another study supporting my thesis (focusing on Russian brides only)

fair enough. here you go

well given your self-reported anecdotal evidence with sample size n=5 I must be totally wrong! Someone needs to contact the statisticians at USCIS and inform them of there egregious errors!

except no. most of these marriages are successful. the divorce rates are much lower than average