
it's amazing more men don't do this. Why marry an entitled fat American who can confiscate half your assets and kids in divorce court when you can land a hot, thin Ukranian? These foreign brides are much more attractive, feminine, and traditional. AND there's much lower chance of divorce

the divorce rate for these marriages is much lower

this is the most self-adsorbed piece of word vomit Jezebel has yet to offer.

chicks dig jerks, QED.

nope, sorry. There are many scientific studies out there reminding us what we can see with our plain eyes.

the "double-standard" is not a social construct, it's embedded in our DNA. We've evolved over millenia to value young women for their fertility and older men for their status. We can stomp our feet all we want but sperm is cheap and eggs are expensive.

Damn. The other female contestants must have been fuuuglly

to me it seems unlikely an "accomplished" GS managing director would rape an Irish season worker when they very easily could bang a limitless number of models, escorts, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be a case of regret or extortion

oh please. Even Hannah Rosin speaks out against the misleading 77 cents statistic.

this article is so hysterical given the latest mass shooting

South Park already covered this

I was a member of a large, mostly white, fraternity at a Big Ten school. As social chair one year, I had sought out several African-American fraternities (whose members were exclusively African-American) to host a joint fundraiser event (for both our designated charities). Not a single house I solicited had any

might as well replace Chance and Community Chest with Alimony and Child Support while we're at it

Your links, while interesting, do not serve as evidence counter to what so many scientists have already established. Certainly the study of intelligence requires more research, but no where did you provide direct evidence to support your own pre-conceived assumption that intelligence does not vary across groups of

nope, sorry. Keep believing your media lies of you'd like

Do you hear white people complaining when a list of top professional athletes excludes white people?

You inferred that assumption. Faced with the fear that, yes, perhaps an objective measure of intelligence such as this list (or test scores, IQ, brain size) might imply a politically incorrect reality, we better forcefeed America the great equalist mistruth and include a black person. Do you hear white people

The list didn't include any Aborigines! Change it! NOW!

so diversity is more important than merit? Got it. Now this list carries no meaning.

If a man posted a snarky critique of the all too common checklist women impose on potential dating partners, he would be labeled a mysoginist on this website