
I think you can be well-educated and still act immature, and by failing to reckon with the fact that Claire's from a different place (though WAY different than he thinks) and expecting she'll just go along with his "well this is the way things are done in the Highlands" speech, that's what he's being. He might have

okay—one last comment because everyone at the office left the room and can't see my google search:

Love Smashbox's Full Exposure mascara. I have little eyes and big cheeks so my mascara would be under my eyes within a few hours of application. I was tired of looking like a mess so I marched myself to Sephora and the ladies recommended this. I use it with their Camera Ready BB Cream Eyes with SPF 15. Not sure if

Love Smashbox's Full Exposure mascara. I have little eyes and big cheeks so my mascara would be under my eyes within

I have THE BEST BATHTUB in the world. It’s an antique iron, claw foot tub. When you fill it up with hot, hot water, the whole thing just radiates perfection. That bathtub is my refuge. That bathtub is my Fortress of Solitude. That bathtub makes awful days into cathartic tub cries.

Worst place I ever got sick was camping in the Sierra Mountains with my family. After a week of camping, on our last night, I was struck with a really nasty stomach bug. We had spent the afternoon drinking margaritas, so when the first wave of nausea hit, I thought it was the tequila. But no. How I wish it had been

Alright, I’ve never posted anything on Jez but I can’t resist this one-

I'll play! I'd put him middle-of-the-pack in the GoT Hotness Scale, somewhere below Pedro Pascal, Charles Dance, Jason Momoa and Michiel Huisman. NOT EVEN THAT HOT.

Mutual masturbation is good times. You are fully engaged with your partner, and her/his arousal feeds into yours.

Sorry, but this is gross. I've read all these other stories and yours is the only one where the cheater seems to have had reason to fear she might be in actual danger. All you guys ganging up on her and not letting her leave the table was gross. Dump her, yell at her, confront her, whatever, but when someone wants to

College, I was dating a douche y Navy ROTC dude who lived in his frat house. He bailed on a date night with me because he was "sick," so being a dutiful girlfriend, I took some chicken noodle soup over to the frat house. Walk in, walk up to his room, and there he is, banging some rando chick. I hurled the soup at

When Julie Andrews dies I'm going to lock myself in a sealed room and drown myself in my own tears. She is a treasure and I fucking love her.

Mark, can we at least agree that Megan is terrible? I get that she's allowed to have "conflicted feelings", but she threw out that homophobic Crossfit comment, she still calls her parents "mommy and daddy" when she is presumably at least 25 years old, she's siding with her husband's best friend instead of her own

This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.

The only thing worse than this is the damned "haul", some amateur eejit sitting in a dim bedroom "uh" and "um"-ing their way through exterior product shots of two dozen completely random makeup bits and saying some variation of "I like this one a lot it's really pretty and stuff" for every. single. item.

One of my cats melts like jello in a sack on a hot day when you hold him. When I'm alone, I dance with him because he lets me. He purrs like crazy and oozes about in my arms while the other pets look on like we're both nuts, but this cat is the perfect dance partner. He never minds if I miss the steps, and he's

I'm in the grays so probably this won't get read, but saying there is no test for viability isn't true (and I say this as a pro-choice doctor). There are lots of tests for viability, which routinely get used when a doctor is making the decision whether or not to deliver a preterm baby—for instance, in the case of

What about Shirley MacLaine's response? She was sitting directly behind Ethan Hawke and her joyous reaction is also priceless. I bet there were a lot of people in that audience who were like FUCK YEAH ARQUETTE.

J. Lo: "Everyone!"

Oh my goodness where do I begin. Should I talk about my obsession with sharks, spiders, gemstones, or the sinking of the Titanic? No. Should I tell stories about how I used to "live" in the tree height hedges in our yard and would stay there for hours speaking in monkey language to myself till my mom would call me

Why didn't someone tell me they were looking for a first edition Iliad? I happen to have one right here.