
Did this person really talk smack about the "I can't breathe" t-shirts being worn by the Selma director rubber her the wrong way, and then go on right after that to say she can separate politics from movies?


I am both incredibly excited and terribly saddened by these pictures.

It's kind of entertaining a huge prude wrote faux-rotica and everyone took her seriously.

What's worse is that Ana doesn't even say things out loud. She only thinks it. She can't even think salaciously.

James says that she kept the books "coyly written" because "women don't like salacious slang she felt uncomfortable writing it."

Really? Cause cock is like, one of my favourite words ever.

Wait, so it isn't that peeing before sex causes UTIs, rather it is not peeing after p in v sex that causes it. But if you truly have to pee, won't sex with a full bladder be uncomfortable and not worth it. Feels like another way to make straight ladies worry about sex rather than enjoy it.

When I ws 15, I read in YM that a teaspoon of olive oil is a good conditioner. I thought, "well if a teaspoon is good, a cup (yes, really) will make it GREAT". I tried to rinse it with....more conditioner, and it made it worse (DUH). I took Irish Springs soap and lathered half the bar into my head....still oily. By

Cornering someone in public, in front of a crowd, and hitting them with a surprise marriage proposal is not romantic. It is cruel, and a little bit manipulative ("they'll totally be less likely to say no in front of all these people!"). I really wish this would become A Thing That Never Happens Again.

Nobody puts Baby on the floor.

I thought confusion arousal is what you feel upon meeting a physically attractive Republican.

So...he's determined that monogamy is a failure by looking only at the people who use a site that helps them cheat on their spouse?

I just want to be clear on the selection bias. They're using ONLY data from people that cheat to say monogamy is a failure FOR EVERYONE. Isn't that a bit like using interviews with atheists to "prove" about how organized religion is a massive failure? I'm not defending either institution, but using those who have

There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys. Guns aren't for black people, either.

Birth, a.k.a. "taking a number 3"

Morbid, but adorably geeky. If I had a daughter, this is exactly the sort of activity that would make me the proudest geek mom ever.

So, basically, all of the "red meat shouldn't have pink/blood in it because that's dangerous" people are talking out of their asses

Jezebel Basic

22. Italian SubHam, Salami, Cappicola, Provolone Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Italian Dressing, Sub Roll