
It's usually more about color selection than quality of the polish for most people I know, hence going for nail specific brands like Essie and OPI.

Women: I say this as a sister and a friend, because I love you.


Salad Fingers scared the shit out of me.

Okay, did anyone at Inquisitr or Jezebel read the actual study? Because the authors themselves don't even claim that thyme oil is more effective than ibuprofen. They say that "Reduction of pain severity was not statistically significant between the two medications, however it was significant for each drug compared

When I see a man drinking bourbon, I think—did this dude steal my bourbon?

There were two British Monarchs who were women who are not mentioned. They both ruled over two of the most referenced points in history. Queen Victoria had a whole era named after her. The Victorian Era. Ever heard of it? Likewise, Cleopatra is probably the only Ancient Egyptian Monarch most people can name off

I'm going to go against the grain a bit and start the JLaw-backlash-backlash. I don't think she's faking it at all, I think she's genuinely kind of clumsy and silly and on the subject of things being silly I think it's kind of silly that we as a society of tv-watching people tolerated a famous person being down to

you know what? I may be a J Law fall truther. I've just seen way too many rom coms where clumsiness is the only flaw the leading character is allowed to have because she can't be perfect, that's unrelatable, but she can't have a real flaw, because then she might have some depth, so instead, they make her clumsy, and

Can we talk about how cute Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez's acceptance speech was?

A LOT went wrong here. Idina is pitchy the whole time and struggling to keep up with the orchestra (which is playing about 20 clicks too fast for god sakes).

Now, part of that? They keep the orchestra and conductor in the fucking Capitol Records build now and pipe it into the theater instead of them being IN THE

Poutine — Speaking of hockey, I'm still mad, Canada.

I'd take the 'well done steak' opinion one step further, and argue that if you can't handle any pink in your steak, you don't deserve steak. Go off and eat some over-cooked chicken, you Philistine.

This feels like a trick question, The pink/purple/green fur coat thing is CLEARLY the better choice.

Blonds, no question. No part of that Spongebob outfit is repurposable (possibly the pumps, but they don't really ring my bell), but I would wear the fuck out of those leggings, boots, and jacket separately after the obligatory wearing as an outfit.

What exactly do they mean by women who have "orgasm problems"? Do they define "orgasm problems" as not being able to come by penetrative sex alone? Because duh, if your clit is too far away from the vagina to get stimulated during penetrative sex then yeah, it would be hard to come from penetrative sex. For women

This is the tackiest list of crap ever complied.

The question is, when are simian genes going to be transferred into plants? I, for one, can't wait to say, "Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty grape!"