
men should moisturize imo!!

“Exotic” as a descriptor has been used so much by people when they ask me “what are you?” that it makes my skin crawl. I had a guy follow me two whole train car lengths asking me “what breed are you?” and me telling him to leave me alone. It’s not flattering and it’s not fun to spill out my ancestry to every Tom, Dick

There is no way you can ask without being an asshole. Just don’t.

yeahhh... you’re a sex addict and you only slept with one woman 4 years ago? and you forgot about it until now? ummm, sure. I agree with Jane’s advice here for other people (regret it, not going to do it again, blah blah) but I kind of don’t believe him on this one.

So nothing else happened for 4 years, and then this person enters SAA all of a sudden? Am I missing something here?

“Soon after my wife and I were married, 4 years ago, I had sex with a woman at a club in Panama where I had a work assignment for a month. I promptly forgot all about it until I started the Sex Addicts Anonymous program last year.”

I’m with you that I’ve never found any image I like well enough to wear under my skin for the rest of my life. But...others think differently. And they’re allowed to.

You don’t like tattoos, that’s fine. Don’t get them. Don’t shame how others choose to decorate their body.

I get that tattoos are not for everyone and personal taste and all that, but equating tattoos to self-harm is pretty shitty.

French Canadian here and no, kissing someone’s hand is *not* how we do it here. We do the two-cheek kiss thing, but only in more familiar settings.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a

My childhood home was in a small town in Indiana. It was a beautiful blue Dutch Colonial home in a neighborhood lined with huge old pine trees. Our house had been built in the 1800s and I always had a sense that it was haunted. The neighborhood was filled with kids my age and all the families got together for summer

The transformation of tech into a boy’s club took place around the time that affordable home computers were marketed to fathers and sons, and around the time that computing became treated as a high-prestige profession with the potential to earn a shit-ton of money. Funny, that.

You know, it used to be common knowledge that college women just couldn’t perform academically in the the stem fields because of some “innate genetic difference”.

I think the suggestion that women are more emotional and can’t handle high stress jobs is sort of rich coming from a person that wrote a 10-PAGE MANIFESTO about HR.


Like no offense to vanillas, but anal sex and sex toys? They’re not kinky. Is this a joke? Especially when you consider that a lot of non-hetero sex involves anal and/or sex toys, it seems strange to call them kinky. This is maybe stuff that’s not discussed in polite company, or a bit daring for people who are

I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy two years ago. My uterus (which was the size of a four month pregnancy from fibroids) was morcellated in order to remove it. I had researched the procedure and went in for surgery knowing this was a possibility. I love my doctor, but this was the only way she was willing to do the

I have to speak up on this one. I have had the da Vinci morcellation surgery to remove a gigantic fibroid and it changed my life. Without it, I likely would have had to get a hysterectomy in my early 30's. My recovery was three days with minimal pain and scarring. And I still had my fertility.