
Gonna repeat what’s been said before, but I’m also French Canadian and no, we don’t use hand kissing as greeting. Like ever, not even with close friends or family members. I’ve had it done to me maybe once, and it was creepy/rapey.

Great explanation on retained placenta, but just for the sake of precision, a retained placenta and a placenta accreta (there are also placenta increta and percreta, which are more severe versions of the same pathology) are two distinct and separate entities that sometimes converge. A retained placenta can happen

Completely agree. My workplace is the hospital, as a health professional. Forget anything resembling suits. If you’re managing the actual hospitalized patients, it’s all about comfortable, preferably closed, shoes and clothes you can move in (and that are easily washable). If you’re doing clinic work, then you have a

I bought a somewhat similar dress from Gap a few years ago, except it was navy blue, had only the side ruffles (was otherwise straight and plain) and it was on sale (and, y’know, not 128$ to begin with). What had seemed cute in the dressing room turned out to be unwearable (too ruffly for everyday, too plain for

Bulgari Omnia is so awesome! I never see it mentioned, which makes me sad. I first got it as a sample in a xmas stocking, but it was the first “grownup” scent I really liked. I wore Omnia Crystalline for my wedding and it’s still my fragrance of choice for elegant occasions.

Ha! Totally! It’s probably going to be if and whenever I give birth, too. My hymen is an asshole.

We chose to go to Italy for our honeymoon, and we’re both the type to go to museums and landmarks and stuff a looooot. In Rome we got horribly sunburnt at the Forum, walked our legs off, were incredibly constipated (rice and pasta are delicious, but it’s like eating concrete) and the room was tiny. Fortunately when we

Oh, I had pretty much the same experience you did. It suuucks. However I don’t think mine ever truly broke. There was never any blood, and no specific point where it really got better. I think it just stretched or something. After a few times we were able to do it with fairly minimal pain for me but it still took a

Ugh. My reaction may be a little out of proportion, but people who go to nice events dressed all casual or even sloppy when everybody else made an effort are a huge pet peeve of mine. Especially if it's a wedding, I just find it disrespectful (of course if it's a totally casual wedding it's fine...).

I'm a med student who still has relatively little experience in actual hospitals. I'm kind of wondering also how I'll be able to deal with all of that. But so far, in my experience seeing/smelling pretty nasty stuff, you're just kind of focused on what you want to do so the other stuff kind of takes a back seat (but I

Yes, I've totally had that problem with spermicidal condoms and also from straight-up spermicide. In my case it was mostly sensitivity and abnormal discharge for 1-2 days afterward.

I have to admit...I haven't followed 30 Rock (well, maybe like 2 episodes...I think I was still a little young when it started and also not living in the US my exposure to it was different) so I can't say I have much to say about this. But I'm sure others have much to contribute to the conversation!

I was bad and watched it online...maybe Netflix or itunes has it? In any case I assume the DVD set for season 1 will come out at some point this year.

It's on Showtime in the US

Yes, all of it!!
I wasn't really expecting it to get many accolades yet given that it's just picking up, but it better get the recognition it deserves in the future!
The Scully marriage is a strong plotline in my opinion. I find all of it very well done.
I also like that young couple, whatshername and Lester the film

Yes, all of it!!
I wasn't really expecting it to get many accolades yet given that it's just picking up, but it better get the recognition it deserves in the future!
The Scully marriage is a strong plotline in my opinion. I find all of it very well done.
I also like that young couple, whatshername and Lester the film

I recommend it! It's not Mad Men or GoT or whatnot but it's solid. If you have any interest in the topic, I find it well covered (from what I learned in an undergrad sexology class and then wikipedia :p ) and it has a good balance of personal drama and focus on their research.

Any watchers/fans of Masters of Sex here?

Oh no, and before an exam too! Poor her.

Laval University in Quebec city you mean? It must have been interesting indeed, the 60s in Quebec were a rather effervescent period!