
I need this dress. NEED.

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As a man, I'd just like to congratulate these intrepid researchers and inventors.

Technical term is trollgasm. Those fuckers leave you in a restless mood all day.

Maybe I'm just feeling cynical this morning, but to me this reads like an attempt to keep cashing in on women's sexual insecurities now that we're at the point of empowering women to pleasure themselves (well, starting to, anyway). Like, "oh, anyone can come, but can you FOURTH LEVEL POWERSLAM ULTRA PLEASUREDOME

Okay, someone tell me which level is that feeling I get from intercourse like I'm JUST about to orgasm but never do and it's super intense but no release at all.

Is there a level 0 or perhaps -1, the kind that just mysteriously *goes away*, like when you have to sneeze and then you just don't?

This is completely ridiculous. What a farce. I am outraged. Everyone knows Canadians don't play tennis. How are you supposed to bounce a tennis ball on a glacier? What do they use for a net, an iceberg? Seal clubs make terrible rackets. Somebody needs to account for this terrible reporting.

Are you kidding? I watched virtually every match up to this one and didn't see any question remotely like this. Come on.

I've said it once and I'll say it a million times. Erotica whose main character can only refer to her vagina as "down there" cannot be genuinely dirty. Those books are about as racey as a box of kleenex.

being nice to racists is "better" than being hostile to them

I don't even bother trying to remain anonymous anymore since I got doxxed before, but I had someone hound my old chat account into oblivion. The guy would NOT leave me alone, and would come up with new user names even after I blocked him. All because I disagreed with him once online. He eventually gave up, but it

This is just one of several comments I got from the same guy (he calls himself Billy Hamdouchey) on a blog post I wrote about a girl who had an X rated pic of her and a guy accidentally end up online. He then posted my pics on a website called The MainBoard and invited all his buddies to harass me as well.

" what kind of a lonely fuck would use one of those?"Jesus. That's a bit harsh. I'm surprised at you Jezebel as you are usually very pro masturbation and against shaming people for pleasing their bodies.

i LOVE this show. so pissed that lizzy caplan didn't get a nod, i feel that her character is so much more important to the show than michael sheen's, honestly. also, i would have loved to see caitlin fitzgerald get a supporting actress nomination. i just love libby. :(

Yup. I don't know what it is about him, but I find him totally sexy.

Since the Tina Fey connection isn't too much of a stretch to make — can we talk about how wonderful Michael Sheen was in 30 Rock as Liz's unbearable/hilarious "settling soulmate," Wesley Snipes?

I'm just so glad to have it confirmed that it was his daughter next to him not his date.

I adore that show. Michael Sheen is the tits (which is good!).

Yeah, I love Masters of Sex, and I am still pissed that Lizzy Caplan totally got snubbed. I am so excited for next season, after the finale this year. I just read the biography that the show was based on, and now know the general jist of what happens with Masters and Johnson, but surprisingly, I'm more invested in

Some of us would say that you're late to the game and we all have dibs. I stuck with him through the crazy phase.