
And he can't blink. Major flaw. :)

Uncle Fathers...coming to TLC this fall.

How many more awards shows can Zooey Deschanel do this whole quirky girl routine for?

I read them all back to back starting last June. I could tell she didn't write the book 1 with a series in mind from one particular point: when Frank runs into the old school Scottish dude watching Claire brush her hair in the window. DG has since said that it's Jamie ghost and she will address it eventually, but I

While not a nut about the books, I really enjoyed most of them because of the historical/medical aspect and the fact that it isn't a simple happily ever after story. DG definitely does a good job of world building for me. The sexual violence does get oppressive, though not between the main characters. Sadly, I think

Thank you for your long and thoughtful response! You've convinced me I need to go back and read again! I wonder if I had on another color glasses on when I read it.

I've read your comment a couple of times and I can't figure out if you're talking about the same book. Granted I've read each of them about half a dozen times but:

(SPOILERS) So I read parts of the book - mostly the sex parts (what can I say, I love historical romance novels - and the fact that she takes HIS virginity) - and I liked it. Even the part in the end where Jaime has been raped and she helps him piece together his sexuality. Maybe I feel this way because I was raped

Now playing

I could listen to Sam Heughan (aka Jamie/JAMMF) say "Sassenach" all day long.

I also love when people can see works of fiction/art/whatever differently and discuss them like humans! It makes me happy.

So the real story here was that he baptized the daughter of a couple married in a civil ceremony and not the church and the child of a single mother after she reached out to him through a letter. He also invited the mothers to feed their children if they were hungry. Many viewed these baptisms as part of his

Current sacramental theology teaches that baptism in the Catholic Church is far more about welcoming a child into the Body of Christ and far less about that child going to hell. I'm no longer a practicing Catholic and I haven't jumped on the Pope Frank the Great bandwagon, but I think when you write about something

Wow, nice slap in the face to the Catholics that read your stuff Doug. Betcha you wouldn't try to be so disrespectful to 'cooler' religions, like Wicca or Druidism.

I actually stopped reading after the 2nd book (but am super excited for the series!) so I am by no means an expert, and I agree that the romance aspect is a little out of place sometimes, but:

i think it's a big problem for DG that her first book is/was marketed as a romance novel. the romance plotline, imho, is where most of her thematic problems come from (rapey? homophobic?). and i feel like she's acknowledged a lot of those problems since, and dealt with them in later books. but most of the books are


"I don't have an elicit, confused relationship to my sexuality, so I don't need a book like that right now in my life."

Been keeping an eye on this thread. Abortion clinic worker here.

I've found it pretty much humanely impossible to have all of the compassion required to hear story after story of why women get their abortions. I firmly believe no one needs to tell me their story, it's none of my business. I knew what I was signing up

The metric system America, it's useful and sensible and the rest of the planet uses it. Just a suggestion.

I wasn't allowed to watch The Simpsons until I was in college/out of the house. I wasn't allowed to watch R-rated movies until I was 17, ditto PG-13 and being 13. I plan to do the same for my kids. I'm fine, enjoyed my "bubble" childhood, totally normal adult now. Don't worry what other people say. I'd be more worried