
Wowzah. Hope all is well.

+2: one for the reference, one for choosing the correct version (no disrespect to The Clash, but... c’mon man, it’s Toots!)

Except it was happening in my 20s, but yeah...

Not even!

No need to, when your knee swells up the night before it rains as the pressure drops...

because [Flacco] looked like he could not give less of a shit about the position his team was in

True fact. I partially ruptured my patella in a skiing accident. Unintended upside: the injury gave me a very good internal barometer - I know when it’s going to rain before it’s going to rain without turning on the weather report.

But while Eskin is garbage, he revels in it. He made his name being pugnacious and arrogant, a total heel (except he isn’t playing a role, he is a genuine douchewad). And, he has/had good journalistic chops at one time and seems to have decent inside information. I say this as a guy who first met Howard Foreskin when

His only thought is “how contrarian can I be today?” To stand out as That Guy in Philadelphia media is no small feat.

Plenty of places have toasted ravioli. St Louis has little else.

Marcus Hayes is the Philadelphia newspaper equivalent of fellow local irritant Howard Eskin: an annoying blowhard who makes himself the story with staggeringly confrontational hot taeks. He is THAT GUY. There are enough good writers around here that you can just avoid him altogether. He lives for your rage. Don’t

I’m Irish Catholic and use Yiddish regularly. There is no better language for venting your feelings.

I’ll give you an Incheon this, because I think you’re just Busan our balls.

“Bile salts” would also be acceptable here.

DC is St Louis with higher real estate costs and no toasted ravioli.

Yes, yes, yes and yes (or move to guard).

Oh, I wouldn’t. That’s what the poop towel is for. It taints my taint.

If all it says is “2022 World Cup Champs”, then it is not premature, as some country WILL win the World Cup, and you can fill in the blank appropriately. If, however, it identifies the US as 2022 champions, that thing is a dishrag.

As an Eagles diehard, I am a Wentz fan. And it is not his fault they’re 3-3. While they could be 5-1, they could also be below .500; the O-line has been meh and their defensive backfield couldn’t cover a bed right now. My big concern will always be his durability. but I say the same about Sidney Jones. And Jason

Will do. Soon.