
Grammar isn’t so bad. Just a slightly different set of rules is all.

Reports say the referee is recovering, though he is still struggling with “language difficulties.”

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Oh, the Dutch? Totally get that. I also hate intolerance!

As someone raised Catholic dealing with serious crises of faith with the Church and its hierarchy, I never realized how ridiculous it was to have unmarried virgins dispensing advice on sex and marriage.

That’s implied by the word “former”.

And on perhaps the day of his greatest triumph, when he did something that both sides can agree was awesome, he got booed by an entire stadium of people who were cheering veterans seconds before. Call names and spin it all you want, but the entire country saw and heard this for what it was. But then again, remove the

Am I the only who doesn’t get autoplay videos? (Firefox). I can’t comment from my iPhone, but I don’t get the autoplay. Win some, lose some...

I have met a few Finns in my day. Nice enough, very stoic and reserved. But they seemed happy and all.

You know it didn’t though - right? Assuming he heard them in the first place, or cared what the masses thought (beyond giving him their votes and unyielding love and affection), he assumed that they were booing the Undersecretary of Central American Economic Development, or whichever government functionary was most

“Hold my beer... and my gun... and my other gun. You rasslin’ the wrong rattler, bwah.”

Oh, there’s nothing to bring - for now. As soon as Bugs Bunny is done sawing Florida off from the rest of the mainland, Texas will probably move up to #1 in the polls. But Ohio Man will definitely have something to say about it. Not to mention, a darkhorse from the Northwest: Oregon Man.

If you’ve just noticed the stuff in the past 18 months, you haven’t been paying attention. Texas Man is second only to Florida Man for batshit crazy.

Barkley’s point was that LeBron was put in front of the cameras in China to speak about a firestorm he did not create while Darryl Morey sat in the shadows back in Houston. (That said, the criticism LeBron has gotten is a different topic.)

It’s the next step up from catcalls and wolf whistles at women passing by on the street. I would love to know if that EVER got a woman to fall in love with a guy. Like, can you imagine anyone sitting down at their grandparents’ 60th anniversary party, and hearing how Nana and Pop Pop met on the street, when he

“Uh, befaw the Pats got wicked good with TAWMMY BRADY, and I stahted tawkin’ like a total Masshole, I-uh... grew up in Jericho on Long Island and I was a yuuuuge Joe Namath fan. You always take after your idols, right?”

Also acceptable: Anusol

I would love to know Curt Schilling’s record with Drake behind the plate.

True. But when they reveal themselves, at least we know who to avoid. To paraphrase Chris Rock, the feelings of the guy in the Klan hood aren’t hard to figure out. It’s the normal-looking guy in the suit that’s harder to figure out.

Also, Canada wouldn’t necessarily want the majority of them. They don’t just take whatever limps across the border.