
How about wait a year and get Goff or Wentz? Though the jury is still out on both, Goff went to the Super Bowl and Wentz was having an MVP-type year for a team that did win a Super Bowl. Or, Zeke Elliott. Or Jalen Ramsey. It was just unfortunate for those teams that their need for a QB dovetailed with there being

It’s stuff like this that’ll give the rest of the country the impression that Alabamans aren’t that bright, and that the University of Alabama isn’t the Harvard of the Southeast.

Skillet pizza, you say... hmmm...

But they were hyped as the best of the lot that year, and teams that knew that they need a franchise QB jumped at the brass ring.

You win. +1 climax

The goalkeeper deserves an assist for putting himself out of position, then inexplicably ducking out of the way to watch the ball roll into the net.

Love my air fryer. Not always practical. Can’t air-fry leftover pizza. But throw it on foil, put it in the oven, set the oven to 400°F and take the pieces out when it gets to temperature - perfect.

Thought the same thing. Those are union jobs in NJ, and well-paying ones at that.

Delivery driver is an underrated great job. Didn’t do it regularly but occasionally took a turn if needed. If your car is comfortable and the music selection is good, it’s a nice change of pace. Met Bobby Clarke and Pat Croce along the way.

Don’t you bring Chumbawumba into this...

Never been to Philadelphia, have you...

I had a patient who is a blackjack dealer. In a good year, he has cleared $60,000 in tips.

Just about everything is vastly superior in an oven versus a microwave. It’s just a bigger pain in the ass for many people and takes longer. A toaster oven is the perfect compromise.

Amusement park operator on the boardwalk was my 3rd job (dishwasher: SUCKED; boardwalk burger joint: LOVED IT, learned to cook). Made some of my best friends for life, made decent money and it wasn’t backbreaking labor. Plus, if it was nice weather, everyone was at the beach and we would fuck around all day. Plus, we

Had a patient’s husband come into the hospital. He had an Ed.D. or Ph.D. or some such academic degree. He insisted on being “Dr Bob”. In a hospital, with myself and maybe 50 other physicians with degrees were working. Told me all I needed to know about Dr Bob. If you want to throw your degree around where it doesn’t

I use this very convention. I use my title when I am on the job. Outside of work/professional situations, my first name/Mister/Doucheface (my wife only) works fine. I don’t think my degree and education should come into play at the Hertz service kiosk or if I am paying for my coffee at Wawa. People who need to be

Ironically, to all the Bulgarians doing the Nazi salute: Hitler and the Nazis considered you, the Slavic people, to be inferior subhumans (Untermenschen), and racism against the Slavs was integral to the Nazi worldview. Were it not for the British (and Americans, but we weren’t playing last night), your families would

None of us internet tough guys are LeBron James: global superstar who is or will be worth billions of dollars. Me? I’m Joe Average, I’ll be liquified before anyone even cares that I am missing. LeBron? Not so much.

LeBron James is 6'8" and known worldwide. The chances of him being carted off to a work camp in Tibet, never to be seen again are considerably less than you or me, or Darryl Morey. If the CCP lays a finger on LeBron, and shit gets feisty quickly. You can’t disappear LeBron James. And Trump is looking for anything to

So what if the NBA is blocked in China? Basketball is one of the 2 biggest sports in the world, and the NBA is far and away the best league in the world. Half a billion Chinese fans already follow NBA ball, and by now over a billion Chinese know it exists. The CCP tells the NBA to fuck off; are a billion people going