Maybe it’ll have the most amazeballs HUD the automotive world has ever seen.
Maybe it’ll have the most amazeballs HUD the automotive world has ever seen.
Don’t forget who we’re talking about here. How many once said, “Those gullwing doors will make it to production!”
Cruise control is 100% safe as long as the driver using it pays attention.
I love ACC and LKAS on our ‘18 Accord. ACC works extremely well and surprisingly smoothly. LKAS is definitely just an “assist” feature, but it does take some of the monotony out of staying in the lane, once you learn to work with it.
Same here. We flew to Prague and then drove to Austria and Germany. The borders between these countries are hardly different than crossing from one US state to another. You just keep driving. If I didn’t point out to my wife that we had entered Austria, she wouldn’t have even noticed right away.
Gawd, that front left tire is squashed almost to the rim.
Swearing is so much more enjoyable to hear when it’s said with a Kiwi accent.
When you’re driving in a fecking tornado, you get a pass on that.
Still shocks me just how much power can be had from a current-era 4-banger. I swore off 4 cyl engines a long time ago, that is until we picked up an ‘18 Accord a couple months ago with the 2.0 turbo mated to the 10-speed. This little engine would absolutely blow the doors off the ‘82 Mercury Capri 5.0 that I had back…
Tesla is a “scrappy” company that operates way differently than GM, Ford, or pretty much any other company we’re used to. Same with SpaceX.
They shouldn’t bother, because the concept will never make business sense as a commercial jetliner. Reducing the sonic booms only addresses one of many issues. The other issues are high maintenance, low fuel efficiency, and poor passenger and cargo capacity (even in a scaled-up model).
Say all you want about him and the things he claims and says (which, granted, are a bit outlandish). But then take a moment to look at what his two companies have already accomplished and the massive competitive and regulatory headwinds that they fought to achieve those things, and maybe you’ll laugh at him a little…
Great move!
I’ve seen 2 or 3 Model 3s so far. And I see a crap-ton of Model S and X’s every day. I took a trip to Monterey and back and saw quite a few transporters on the freeway loaded with them (S and X primarily). Granted, I live in California, and I make a lot of trips to the Bay Area (where they are built, and where a lot…
The reason he’s cracking jokes is because he is confident that Tesla will be fine. His companies have had much worse near-death experiences than this.
People are missing the big picture. Tesla is not an ordinary company. Musk missing his time targets likely won’t matter in the long run. He misses target dates all the time. Yet in the end he delivers, and what he delivers tends to be game-changing, particular for a “startup” company in the (electric) automotive…
I agree with you. Not only that, but Must just joked about Tesla going bankrupt on Twitter today (for April fools).
The “malfunctions” aren’t as dramatic or sudden as you make them out to be. They certainly aren’t in my Honda. It’s more of a “wandering”. If you’re paying attention and have a hand on the wheel, you won’t have to suddenly jerk the wheeel. With a bit of experience with the system, you’ll anticipate the problem before…