
FFS he got cleared of the charges for this?? Wildly popping off his handgun through his freaking windows at another car on a crowded freeway? Only in Florida...

You should have used this link (This Is Apple’s Next iPhone ( for a prior example of something like this happening. This was the first time I can remember something like this happening, and I was there for it. Good times.

Hank is very pleased that you correctly referred to these as minerals, not rocks. 

I feel bad for these parents. Not only is it a huge inconvenience, but it is just deeply unsettling to be flagged for such a crime even though you know that you are innocent.

Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.”

First dude I thought of. I’m still trying to get over the fact that he once took away my star lol. 

I hear you and went down the same hole in the 80s. It was frustrating. What’s different for me this time is the high level government acknowledgment, and the growing momentum in congress. The statements by senior officials including Pentagon officials and the NASA administrator that no longer involve smirks or

They captured the same objects sighted by the pilots on radar and FLIR. They were verified as solid objects about twice the size of a military jet, and they moved at speeds, accelerations, and direction changes that defy explanation. These were not lense flares. 

The government’s main concern with these unidentifiable flying vehicles is not an alien invasion, but rather that this is some sort of technologically advanced aircraft employed by China or Russia that could potentially threaten the U.S. military.

Personally I think it is a clean looking car and a nice step up from the Civic. We haven’t learned all the details yet and there could be other surprises.

This looks like a must watch (on edibles). I’m in. 

For fucks sake. Making a good drink is not hard. It’s also a nice accomplishment when you craft a good cocktail. The only people this is for are say drinkers with money and counter space to burn. 

Now playing

I give Alien props for a very well done story, for creating the Ripley character, and for all the creativity behind the world building. Aliens certainly stood on the shoulders of the first movie, but it went a different direction with the military theme, and it advanced Ripley to a whole new level of badassery. Scenes

We can make fun of BlackBerry for their laughable effort to counter the iPhone and Android during the late 2000s. But even powerful Microsoft was caught completely off-guard. No one can effectively compete with these two platforms anymore. Blackberry previously succeeded because they developed a business focused

Cameron’s Aliens is by far the best of the series. I loved the gritty, military feel. I loved how Ripley was a total badass, far more so than the trained soldiers she was with. I’ve read about how Cameron selected the actors, picked a sergeant who had a military background, and how they trained like real soldiers for

I mostly enjoyed the movie, but the NY Times review resonated with me in many ways. The movie’s self-awareness was over the top and I cringed several times. It was hard to get used to the characters I knew from the prior movies but played by new actors with a complex explanation for the change. It was like the Oracle

The Japan tsunami remains the single most shocking natural disaster I have ever witnessed on TV. To this day I still come across new footage on YouTube that blows my mind. Tsunamis are scary shit. Any technology we can leverage to save people from their wrath is a very good thing.

Most things with that many legs are scary fast. Contemplate that as you lay down to sleep tonight.

So, go ahead and tell us what you have against the vaccine. I’ll wait…

I wonder where they will film it. I liked the Canon Beach / Astoria backdrop of the original movie. It fit the story.