After reading the litany of questionable decisions this guy has made so far, I’m not sure he isn’t David Tracy.
After reading the litany of questionable decisions this guy has made so far, I’m not sure he isn’t David Tracy.
David Tracy will from now on be dubbed “Captain Maths”. He’s Jalopnik’s resident James May.
“(Oh! Oh! Do the 124 Spider next!)“
Much love, Ballaban, and Jalopnik
Didn’t the brits send their savages to Australia?
“Son, I would have let you off with a warning for going 300 mph in a 55 mph zone, but I see that your tires are not road legal and I’m afraid you’ve given me no other option.”
“I just buy everything used on Craigslist. No taxes or dealer markup when you buy private party “
12 is a bit much, but I think it’s cool that the MLB agreed to spot the Phillies some runs.
Before any of you bitch about Hartsfield, it’s a good airport.
One of the most underrated drivers on the planet. Chris “The Force” Forsberg knows a shit ton about car control. The fact that he can keep a 900hp beast like this 370Z from going full Aussie donut status is seriously amazing. I also love how he has shown the potential of the VK56DE in both this car and his daily…
Pretty sure Ryan Felton has no idea what Apocrypha means. It’s what happens when bloggers think they’re journalists.
* wasn’t Minnesota drunk
“Sundby, in a slight bit of apocrypha, apparently said no and left.”
I’ve shown this before but I did build my own glider.
If you thought cars were an expensive hobby, check into the operating costs of a used prop plane. (It’s a lot.)…
Choosing the right motorcycle is more of an emotional decision than a logical one. With cars, most of us would love…
My dad commuted almost every day of my parents’ 46 years together. He’s still waiting for parole.