Red Guard

Assault, she attacked someone. The autopsy showed no cause of death and a toxicology report is in the works. Most likely died of natural causes. Jezebel is great at whipping emotional thinkers into a frenzy but not as good at disseminating relevant information.

super sad. what was she in there for?

Best athlete and most intelligent boy at my school, nicest guy, most popular, no drug or other problems at all, one night in 11th grade went to bed and never woke up. People searched and searched for answers. None were ever found, even medically.

Is it though? Horrifying? People die.

Well, she was probably no angel, otherwise she wouldn’t have been there in the first place.

What, wait? Completely agreed for minor and/or nonviolent crimes, but what about kids who've committed serious violent offences? School shooters, rapists, etc.?

Somehow, in a facility designed to heavily supervise its occupants, there are no eyewitnesses.

We have no information either way but the writer seems to use Bland’s name to imply that it was a suicide.

I hope this isn’t what it seems like. And as a corollary, putting automatic stock in what the coroner says after the initial autopsy deserves caution as much as automatically believing whatever the police say. My best friend died in her sleep at age 30 without any warning at all in September. She wasn’t sick, she

What’s with the conspiratorial tone? There’s no evidence one way or the other. I’m assuming the writer thinks this was a suicide? Do we have any evidence? How about we wait for the autopsy before we let our biases run wild?

So...are you BonMorte’s new burner, or YMD adopting a dumbed-down affect returning from the grave to troll after letting the ruckus die down? It’s so hard to keep up with y’all.

I am a Californian and this makes the least sense. Do they leave the pants there? Pants are expensive. Plus isn’t that littering? I am so happy that I woke up and it was 50° outside.

Childhood sexual abuse of children is certainly a bigger deal than an actor not receiving an award. Also not all of the victims were white. If he could only help one victim, he definitely picked the one with the least ability to talk about their issue and be heard. And whose cause was more important. Also I’m black,

Funny how her little witch trial went nowhere so back to Twitter to vent about imaginary obstacles for her “career”. Honey, you fuck guys for money, get off your high horse.

Because the Acadamy has always been snobbish about it. You don’t see Sci Fi or Action movies getting nominated unless it’s something like Saving Private Ryan.

Gaslighting?! Christ. Please attempt to explain to me how I’m gaslighting anyone.

No but thinking that everyman you come onto contact will rape or kill u is.

Troll= not agreeing with the hivemind.

U sound like racists this is the same logic they use to justify racist policies like stop and frisk and supporting trumps call to ban all muslims because we cant tell the good from the bad so lets ban all muslims.