Red Guard

This girl was in there for assault. If so, that’s where she should have been.

Why don’t you vent when you know what the hell happened.

Assault. Nice girl.

How about protecting the public?

The autopsy report will answer the family’s unanswered questions. They can also get a third party autopsy if they question the results. This sounds like a move to buy a ticket to the ghetto lottery, rather than ask themselves why she was in the detention center to begin with.

The outcomes do yes, but in many places the outcome is preordained.

I live with my wife, my senior in HS daughter, 2 cats, and a rabbit. As I said, my daughter is as extreme as you are, but she has a condition and is only 17 - we squabble regularly but I try to avoid saying anything that would set her off - I have to live with her for a few more months. Now your situation?

What do I

Whatsamatter, sweetie? That time of the month?

You’re a textbook example of what’s wrong with jezebel.

Elections in such states really matter. Vote!

In this matter, you’ve decided what an “honest answer” is, and by god that’s the only answer there is. You seem to approach all issues like this, and I have met women like you before. My daughter is one, but she has Aspergers and so issues are black black or white white in her mind too.

You REALLY need to look in the

You think any opinion disagreeing with you is “trolling”, so I really don’t give it much thought.

As far as getting banned is concerned, it doesn’t bother me for the same reason. I create a new burner as necessary. Maybe you should just quit whining about trolls and speak your piece once in a while. Jezebel is as bad

His “career” has been in her shitter often, along with a lot of other “careers”.

Will she or will she not keep whoring herself out?

Men and women die due to partner violence at rates much closer than the percentages indicate, dimwit.

Nobody really cares.

Because “art”.

I’m an engineer. I know how numbers work. You clearly do not.

Nope. You missed the point. His point was that all the other murders of men bury the stats for intimate partner murder. They do.

You are confused so easily, dear. I didn’t say by their intimate partners. That is by all sources of murder. That’s why comparing the 2.5% to the 34% directly makes no sense - women don’t get killed as much