I’m sure you thought that was brilliant, and you’re also lying your ass off. You couldn’t even roll out of bed without emotional assistance.
No you’re wrong in that a few women have so little to do they create their own emotional drama. And you lap it up.
Why are you here? To whine about the men and how bad the poor womenz have it because they have to tell their husbands where to put the cheese grater?
Harpies. And I see gendered insults around here frequently, so stuff that whining.
Did you get some buzzwords you can try to mold into an argument?
Pretty much, large house, large property.
You’ve been found out again?
We’re fine. On the other hand, you sound like the “crazy” one is supposed to avoid with ones dick.
And you’re a basket case bitch. Now what?
There is something that needs fixing just about every damned day in real life.
Not for those with perspective, unlike you harpies waaahhhing your lives away.
And I do stuff for her you fucking moron.
Whine someplace else.
Ah yes, the “Waaaaaaahhhh!! I’m hearing stuff I don’t like!! Stop this evil man from ruining my bitching about putting the apple pealer away! Waaaahhhhhh!” (And if you truly fix your computer AND car you’re in the 1% of all women who do).
I wonder where YOU’LL be in 30 years....
No, most young women don’t fix cars or computers. I have a dozen neices in college and none of them do. I end up with the laptops of half my daughters’ HS friends. The HS boys frankly aren’t much better.
Rubbish. Most women still don’t give fucks about car repair, or home repair, or anything computer related. I work with female SW engineers that can’t fix their own PC problems. So the 1% becomes 2% of women giving fucks about stuff like that. What a revolution!
And I do value the small tasks that keep a home running. I…
Nope, I’m not. She gives fucks about some things, I give fucks about other things, and there is a fair amount of overlap. You just want the fucks to go in one direction, but I guarantee she’s happier about not having to fix her computer than she is upset because I don’t know where some utensil goes.
Good luck in a…
Yeah, it’s a real international crisis.
Because she cares where stuff goes. I don’t.