
I just made an offhand remark in the grey and now I'm out of my depth.

Good! I can't be doing with sticking dry wads of cotton up my chuff unaided.

Their house words are "We are obviously jerks you guys"

Well in this instance it wasn't so bad - but it's like saying to someone who hasn't seen a film "oh my god the twist at the end is amazing!"

GASP you are right!! I'm changing my name to Yaar to get in on this action.

SHHHHHHHH no foreshadowing.

If a bolton showed his face around here I would be extremely rude to him let me tell you!!

I have never been this close to writing fanfiction in my life I swear to god. It would involve him and Gilly getting a nice little cottage and Samwell reading a lovely book and the making of pies and both of them just having an extremely safe time.

I was bouncing up and down during her moment badassery. I haven't read the books and I am SO excited to see what she does!

I will fucking fight you right here.

I get worried every time he is on screen in case something happens to him. I want to wrap him and Gilly up in cotton wool and put them somewhere safe and warm.


HEADS UP you are commenting on an article that refers to a study that claims that the majority of women prefer not to be friends with women who are sexually promiscuous.

I love my more sexually reserved friends just as much. They're super cool guys and we talk about loads of stuff, but you can't really get a good cackling session going.

This is an outrage, I have extremely important opinions about Samwell Tarly.

In my world there is no such thing as TMI. I want ATI and I want it now.

oh my goodness i was wrong your story about waiting a month to sleep with your boyfriend (for reasons that are none of our business) is super fun

Brunch?! Sunday mornings are for sneaking in smelling like a crack den while trying to convince your flatmates that you were merely out for a brisk morning stroll in last nights clothes.

I... I don't understand. My brain is literally a diagram of a penis going into a vagina.