I fail to see how this is different than other Drag Queens on the show out of drag.
I fail to see how this is different than other Drag Queens on the show out of drag.
The hate for Eureka drives me crazy. Critiquing a Drag Queen for having a big overt the top personality has been the stupidest critique ever. Queens having over the top personalities is basically one of the oldest stereotypes in Drag
Not that it matters, but I saw through his shit a long time ago. Dude was always more concerned with puffing his own image and ego above everyone else, and using his various outlets (podcast, websites, TV shows) to do so.
Yes, on the surface he’s generally likeable and goofy, but just occasionally he lets that mask slip and gives off a slightly irritable, intense, uptight vibe that could suggest an undercurrent of nerd rage.
Always got a weird vibe form Hardwick. Like for all the happy go lucky persona stuff, that dude has legit nerd rage, too.
Aldi acceptable quality food - cheaper than everywhere else.
Not to step on Cecilia’s answer, but it’s not that niche a thing to consider, really. How familiar with tabletop RPGs are you? With most games, it’s a Game Master running the show, which would historically mean one dude pretending to be the Non-Player Characters for the rest of the players. This would then lead to…
Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.
I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.
You see, that’s because the combination of hoppy beer and Indian food coming out like a thick paste fifteen minutes after you ingested it was the worst fucking vomit imaginable. Thus, the details of my story were very relevant to the point I was trying to make, until someone came along and thought to nitpick me with…
I would not be surprised if this was the truth (her never getting asked out). I saw something similar with a drop dead gorgeous friend of mine. Every nice guy would never approach her because they just assumed she was out of their league, while the only people to ever approach were jackasses who thought they were…
It’s to be expected, and the #1 reason to wait a bit longer to play it. With Fallout 4, we didn’t have a year of hype, just a few months, not even announced until it was almost done, so for many of us it’s fine to wait a week or two, especially if we’re waiting on a pip-boy to arrive :)
You don’t think there was related bullying and shaming though? The fact that they were collecting and trading makes it seem like there was a lot of non-consensual photos being sent around - and that seems like the real issue. Too many kids have committed suicide because of shit like this.
You realize there are reasons not to do it other than being “Puritan”right? It is exactly the malicious part that is a reason....and that can take all sorts of forms, even if the images are kept with a circle of each other minors.
Nudes of yourself or others?
I’m so glad, for so many reasons, that social media was in like MySpace infancy when I was in high school.
I think she means that reporters only see one “large” girl and mistake every single woman in the public eye who is not tiny as Adele. I always take it as a joke on how dumb the media is, especially about size.
oh please. what do they know? every Pixar movie ever has bombed. Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, Up, The Incredibles, they all suck - and I should know I've seen each of them about 10x now and i cry at the end every time because they suck so bad. how these guys keep getting money to make more movies is beyond me.