There are still heroes. They’re human, but they’re there. Don’t let bad people convince you that good ones don’t exist.
There are still heroes. They’re human, but they’re there. Don’t let bad people convince you that good ones don’t exist.
Yeah, these articles are helping me feel a bit better about not having time to play a shiny new Bethesda hour eater till Christmas.
I doubt you were sending and receiving nudes of other people in your class though. No one’s shitting their trousers over teens sending naked pictures of themselves to each other, this is some sort of weird trading card culture where you gain status by spreading other kid’s nude pictures. That’s what’s seriously fucky…
Nah nah nah I’m fairly certain it wasn’t a dig so much as it was basic self deprecation that she’s not very famous and that she was mistaken for the other much more famous big girl celebrity. Any grossness was on the part of the interviewer.
Hahaha, I feel like if you go to a strip club with Pauly Shore you take your lumps.
Man I know this isn’t the place for this opinion, but as a fat girl I’ll take mild sexual harassment over hurtful comments about my weight any day. One’s uncommon enough to be flattering and the other is a knife in the guts.
Aw that’s not so bad! Inappropriate AF but pretty funny.
I wrote this comment a while ago. Since then I've revised my position. Obviously if you write a character to be a constant obstacle to overcome and saddle them with both rigid morality and clear hypocrisy they are bound to be resented, so all the public head scratching of the writers about why everyone hates Skylar…
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the NHS is and how it works. It's a non profit system, and advice on what treatments an individual doctor should prescribe for a patient is regulated by NICE which is an independent organisation which evaluates treatments based on effectiveness vs cost. Doctors…
Yeah well when we all have to run out of our houses when we are invaded by space jerks with no time put on our shoes, and you are hobbled by your dainty, soft feet on the asphalt and you fall behind only to be vapourised by the deadly deadly space rays while I bound ahead to safety with my gnarly tyrannosaurus feet…
Haha nice try but I'm not feeling particularly chastened by some patronising cunt who reckons his misty eyed flowery twaddle is any great insight into some mystical Scottish psyche.
Scottish woman here with inside knowledge that you are full oofff shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Don't listen to him ladies - it's a tin of shortbread with a picture of a highland cow on it that he's cut a hole in the bottom of and stuck his dick through, and that tam-o'shanter has a fedora under it.
If you're going to report some made up figures you've got to at least make the numbers believable.
"It's as though these women take my being thin personally."
Feel free to dry your tears on a fashion magazine filled with women who look like you.
"Could you get a date using just your personality?"
This is like my mum levels of made up weightloss/weightgain science bullshit. What on EARTH are you talking about???
I wonder if seals have any concept of falling down and hurting yourself? Seeing as they spend their time either suspended in fluid or on rocks as streamlined low profile tubes.