
3 patients? And not even a non drinker/smoker/snorter for a control? Get fucked.

I don't think many people that are not gifted pastry chefs would have much of a chance with these. Trademark or not cronuts would be popping up elsewhere in New York by now if they were straightforward to do.

A train toilet?? Good grief! You might as well have had a bonk in one of the nine circles of hell.

Acceptable locations for sex:

Rainforest sex seems like a great way to get centipedes in your butt.

Hello fellow big tit babe! Finding a decent bra is a fucking nightmare the closer you get to the middle of the alphabet. I'm reading through the A Bra That Fits subreddit just now and I am amazed at how helpful it is! One great thing about it is that it has a lot of discussions comparing different brands and styles

What a beautiful hen! All all of yours the same breed?

Aside from the whole fact that he's a straight up rapist, watching rosemary's baby is another reminder of how little regard Polanksi has for female sexual agency.

I used to call my little brother a brat when I wanted to really wind him up. It was at once condescending, dismissive and loaded with negative connotations that he was unjustly saddled with by being the youngest of 4. He lost his fucking mind whenever I hissed that at him during a fight.

Christ! Did it go ok aside from that? I haven't made one myself, but my friend's one is made out of masking tape, varnished, and is lightly padded and wrapped around a store-bought tailors dummy to give a better shape and she loves the result. I was thinking of trying that rather than cramming stuffing into a duct

It's fine. These types of articles do tend to slip into that language, which is problematic.

I think in this instance it is referring to the fact that a scaled up standard dress form often does not look very much like a real person who is plus sized.

I might make one just for spooning purposes.

Now playing

If any DIYers fancy their own custom dress form, you can do it with a shit load of duct tape and a helpful friend.

Well it does smack of relativism a bit when you equate some (admittedly shitty) religious exemptions granted in the USA to the proposed criminalization of non-marital sex.

Raccoons are not European. Tut.

I appreciate Adele's commitment to black, but I'd loooooove to see her in red.

Oh my god. Amazing! I can't believe I used to get so righteously angry about this show merely on principle, upon actual viewing I am pissing myself.

Maybe everyone got tired of being spoon-fed lukewarm diarrhea.