
Perfectly worded. I never used to experience any notable variance in mood, but since going on a fairly heavy duty pill I've noticed a day or two of very low tolerance for all the shit that bothers me.

Anyone seen any pretty cicada jewellery around? I was thinking of getting something in tribute to the hatching because I am a neerrrdddd, but most of the things I've seen are just ugly and badly made from cheap chinese parts that people have tarted up and slapped with a massive mark up.

If you ignore it hard enough it goes away I think.

Oh god I would do unspeakable things to that thing, whatever the fuck it is.

What so he thinks this is going to be a craze? Like side-swept bangs??

Hmm. You might be a serial killer.

You do feel sorry for all the decent Italians having to put up with the cartoon creep that somehow got repeatedly voted in to power.

Well maybe not so much meant to be grossed out as made to feel uncomfortable. That whole thing from the shaving to the flossing is just buhuhuhuhuh

God he's so slimy.

Well yeah I'm with you there, but we were meant to be pretty grossed out by the way that sequence was shot.

No she'd seen plenty, she just hadn't been up close to a real live one.

And yet the people that get all grossed out by tinkleflowers and dingle-dongles are usually perfectly fine with smooches.

When I was first told the story I was nearly sick from laughing so hard.

See, this is why we should all be naked more. You don't meet many people that are totally grossed out by mouths.

I don't know whether using contouring to look like a black celebrity is blackface or not, I'm leaning towards no. I think it might follow the same principles as to whether drag itself is offensive. Python-esque comedy drag has always made me uncomfortable, while legit drag performers are A-OK - because I feel like the

That skull top is one of the most popular DIY jobs out there. Buying it for $35 seems very silly.

Yeah I worship Adele and fucking hate modcloth. I think it's mostly because the quality and sizing on their clothes varies so widely. Makes it difficult for any of us that don't have "standard" body proportions to pick anything out.

Everyone from the mirror universe is the absolute worst, except for miles o'smiles.

That first one is actually pretty great.

meow meow purr benjamin these certainley are very sensual schematics for a cloaking device please rub them all over me while i peg this terran.