
Uh - being able to wash your skype mutual masturbation pants would kind of be an issue, right?

Well if it makes you feel better, they're probably ok with it.

No she's right, it was incorrect in the article:

I... I want to go to that world.

I always thought it was the "master bedroom" because it was the bedroom where the master of the house slept -as opposed to guest rooms, servants quarters etc. I mean obviously it would have been applicable to slave owning households, but I always assumed it came from old english houses with employed servants

pppppfffffffff hahahahha

Well, shucks. If you were physically here instead of just being bleeps and bloops on my computer we could totally hang out at watch old chris morris and lee+herring stuff.

*eyes narrow*

I KNOW! When people say things like "yes the population was smaller, but people were healthier overall" and "the average lifespan thing is totally misleading" they are completely ignoring the fact that the reason the population was smaller and the average lifespan lower was because of, y'know, children dying. The

Yes, I'm attempting to go through them right now with some power googling. Some problems arising after only a cursory read and some research into arguments against:

No, I'm sure it's a decent book and would not be adverse to reading it, but I meant any scientific papers with results indicating that pre-agriculture humans lived longer and healthier lives than modern humans.

Got any papers?

That is pretty fucking dark, it's like something from Jam.

You got the potatoes in the right order so I'll let you off this time, Beck, but do not cross me again.

Ugh. People are the worst.

I forgot crumpets! All those crispy holes filled with butter and happiness.

This is usually for those who have undergone mastectomies, right? I'm not a fan of any beauty standard that makes people feel like shit for no good reason, but sprucing up your nipples seems fairly softcore compared to all the labiaplastys and jaw reshapings and whatnot.

Shit my areolas are so light it looks like I don't even have them. I didn't even know I was supposed to be embarrassed by them! Like 7 people have seen my boob oh no the shame!!!

We should party.

fuck off winston