
Hey gurl know you just wrote a well reasoned and insightful article at the place that you work and imma let you finish but i gotta say your face booty is lookin' good in that avatar

You know who would totally be a fun lay? Bronn. Dirty bastard.

Theon? Seriously? I always knew there was something screwy about you. It's all them gifs.

Twenty three? Twenty fucking three??? He looks fifteen! How the hell am I the same age as the tiny milksop child from love actually and that weak episode of Dr. Who?

I hate this, sorry!

Hate to be one of them fuddy duddies that grumbles at change but oh holy god I loathe this design.

Meh. My body and I do not get on. It looks like shit and doesn't work very well. My brain and I are on better terms.

*raises hand*

Oh yeah. Hah.

Tangentially if you're interested in an alternative form of birth control, may I recommenda charlie b's Aural Contraceptive playlist on spotify.

Ivy Winters has so much talent that there's no room left for a personality.

I might fall for this and you might too, we're not as smart as we think.

He essentially has pet women.

... well played, Mr.GOH!, well played.

Uncomfortable and I kept slipping around in them, plus they look awful on my fat feet. One friend tried them on and loved them and another hated them as much as me so I reckon it depends on the shape of your foot a little bit so you should go try them on!

Looking after a baby primates has got to be up there with the best jobs ever right?

I own a pair of those mojito heels that I have never worn in public because they SUCK but that I leave out to impress my friends with how futuristic I am.

I have the most delightful image in my head now.

My cat was way into that shit even after she was spayed. Dirty cat slut.
