Red Bird

I’m not sure what to take away from your comment. I didn’t allege that I was violated, nor do I think I was. I think my co-worker was rude to make snide and snarky remarks about what I ate.

Oh honestly. That’s my problem with the blind outrage. I think I made it pretty clear I think the comment was gross and inexcusable.

That’s my problem with this too. The comment was gross— anyone with an ounce of tact or class wouldn’t have said it. But unless he actually knew she was gay, then he didn’t intentionally out her. He was making a gross comment that happened to hit on an underlying truth.

Well he also wants to be a casual farmer at the same time. You know those typical laid back jobs of farming and running a restaurant. Oh god do you think he wants to start a lifestyle brand?

Plus, one reason I don’t tell people STILL is that I don’t want them imagining it. I don’t know if that makes sense - but it seems like rape is so often eroticized on TV and in movies. I also don’t want to be defined by one of the worst things that ever happened to me.

All of this, and also: if the only remedy available to you after an awful violation is money, then is it reasonable to accept money rather than get nothing? Yes/no—either answer is valid. People sue for “pain and suffering” all the time, and that’s the premise.

Any woman who comes forward, rich or famous, has to put herself out there to be subjected to any number of mentally and physically invasive discussions and procedures to prove what happened. Her body becomes evidence and her life is scrutinized. She has to face down her perpetrator, his friends, family, people she

And you know those assholes knew exactly what the “difficulty” was. She didn’t get arrested for anything on or off a set, never stopped production and I haven’t heard her co-stars say anything about her so what, exactly, could those execs think made her unemployable?More unemployable than, oh so many men with laundry

To rape apologist assholes who whine,”Why didn’t you come forward when it occurred?” They didn’t even go to the police and look what happened to their careers.

We are the ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD where the person who lost by 3 million votes wins (other than tin pot dictatorships who have only “show” elections). So acting like the electoral college is not at fault is really really ignorant.

What the fuck do the Koch’s want? They’re old as fuck and richer than God, why don’t they just live out their days on a private island instead of fucking over the world the rest of us are actually going to have to live in?

Look, Pence is a monster, but he would be a hamstrung monster. If Trump does get impeached and removed, it will be because he has lost all support in Congress, and I don’t see Congress then turning around and supporting Trump’s chosen successor. So Pence would be a very weak, unpopular, one-partial-term president.

Never, ever forget that a big part of how the Trump campaign courted the LGBTQ community was claiming “Clinton took money from countries that throw gays off of buildings” (a claim that’s dubious at best).

Meanwhile, he’s laughing about the next inline to the Presidency wanting to hang LGBTQ people and Nikki Haley voted

Yeah this statement is outright terrible. She graduated from Havard while still making movies.

That and Marie from When Harry Met Sally. “Six months later he was dead.”

Side note: it seems to be a trend that women are way, way, way more invested in General Organa, whereas men focus on her as Princess Leia. I mean, it’s no surprise why, but it’s just... touching to me.

I’ve lost faith in so may of my heroes, but never her. She will always be a hero to me.

I take it you mean that as a compliment since Iowa has one of the highest ranked education systems in the country.

Yeah, I have a hard time pinpointing my exact feelings on Ashton Kutcher... He can be pretty annoying for the above stated reasons, but then he looks a lot like my husband so that softens my feelings to him for totally irrational reasons. But then after learning about the work he’s been doing to catch child