Red Bird

Precisely. On the flip side of this conservative coin, consider Clint Eastwood. Yes the lecturing to an empty Obama chair was beyond stupid. However, his views and his delivery are tepid compared to Woods. I really enjoy Eastwood’s films (it’s ok you don’t have to) and will continue to see his films because he

For a feminist website (wait, is Jezebel still a feminist website?), the people around here sure love to shit on a woman who, despite her faults, is using her absolutely massive platform to bring awareness and HELP PEOPLE IN NEED.

She’s also a vocal supporter of Planned Parenthood.

She does this stuff a lot.

I totally agree. And also seems like a genuinely nice person, and, hey, if the kindness is a façade, I will take it over cattiness, any day. #TeamKim.

Gotta post what Lin-Manuel tweeted after Trump shifted blame onto Cruz for “poor leadership”:

A ______ has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president.

Honestly this is why I’ve never hated her that much. She said countless times her dad taught her to give. That’s why she gives a lot of her income to charity. She’s not evil just vapid.

Honestly, if she can bring more attention to the situation in Puerto Rico, AND make more people realize how shitty Trump is, then good for her.

Petty theory: I bet Kim Kardshian fans have donated more $$$ than Trump supporters to the Puerto Rico catastrophe.

A Kardashian has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president. That’s where we are at right now.

I’d be okay with him going to his own establishments if golf outings were a special and rare treat for him. If the expenditures were roughly the same if he golfed at the nearest nonTrump golf course than if he golfed at a Trump course, and if he only spent the same amount of time and money as past presidents at golf

I know. Wouldn’t surprise me if part of the reason he goes to his businesses exclusively is to wring money out of the Secret Service.

And not getting paid for it.

I’m sure he can give them a government discount. I work for a major university and we get discounts all the time since we’re government funded.

I would love it if they all said fuck this and every. single. one. of. them. quit.

I’d imagine they’re getting their regular salary but are no longer receiving overtime.

World’s most depressing job?

I kind of like the idea of just telling Trump, “Hey, sorry, you used up your Secret Service protection for the year,” just to see how he reacts. :)