I suspect Weinstein used Judd’s casting Frida as a cover BEFORE Salma’s NYT piece about the truth regarding Frida was published. So he thought it was more circumstantial evidence in his favor (which SH’s piece blows wide open of course)
I suspect Weinstein used Judd’s casting Frida as a cover BEFORE Salma’s NYT piece about the truth regarding Frida was published. So he thought it was more circumstantial evidence in his favor (which SH’s piece blows wide open of course)
He isn’t- as far as I can tell- grabbing her, rather pretending to do so.
This, thank you!
I just hope we voters don’t forget in the 18 midterms! Get those jerks out.
Which ultimately is Russia’s end game here, sadly. And we played right into their hands.... hopefully that’s changing but not soon enough!
I can’t comment as to whether or not ½ of Americans are stupid, but about only about 20% of voting age eligible Americans cast a ballot for him. That’s like, what 10% of us, I’m guessing? A lot of potentially not stupid kids are out there at least!
I think she was late to the party, but did speak up when Gretchen(?) came forward. And yes, tell a lot more in the book, from what I gathered in her FreshAir interview.
I hadn’t heard that bit about “white Santa” (wtf, MK?!), and besides being an intensely idiotic thing to say, it’s sounds pretty damn racist to me as well.
Sounds like my cat. She thinks they are toys. Plays with them and has fun...But then dog finds out what’s going on & goes CRAZY. She (dog) kills them every time. I’ve heard cat-smells deter rodents.... not sure if it deters most, but the dumb ones miss it?
Put peppermint essential oil on your back porch. And get a cat!
That’s not funny.
There are plenty of conservatives that aren’t fox fans (or even viewers), like my dad (life-long conservative but hates fox & voted for Hillary, 😘) and of course, all those people that aren’t really into trump but voted for him anyway (white suburban middle class ladies, I’m talking about *some* of you!)
I suspect there are a lot of conservatives that admire her feminist-ish attitude and willingness to ask hard questions. Especially conservative women?
See, I think Megyn is complicated. She’s definitely right wing & ive seen plenty of clips of her saying batshit crazy stuff. But I also heard most of an interview with her on NPR (fresh air w Terri Gross) in which she was quite sane & reasonable.
Or she’s just a kid. A kid who- because her dad ran for pres & is a sitting senator- has folks pointing cameras at her...
Aw, fight the impulse! It’ll just play into their sad little narrative if they are bullied by neighbors for their icky political beliefs.
Next time I’m at an employee meeting I’m going to suggest we do “the floor is lava” instead of one of those horrid team building/getting to know you exercises.
Argh, thanks a lot....that’s gonna give me nightmares!
Oops! Thousands. Thanks for catching that one for me 🤔
I’m talking more about regular folks than politicians (in my experience ppl on the left aren’t necessarily any nicer than those on the right, ya know?) but yes I hope so!