Red Bird

Hey, there :)

Those are all good things, dude.

My friend was there in ‘09, there in ‘17, and at the march on Saturday. He said it was just like the pics we all have seen, plus that almost half the ppl at trump’s were PROTESTERS...

I read on NYT or WaPo that he got out only to go into his goddamn hotel (where press were barred for all of inaugural week) to shake hands/break the emmoulements (sp?) clause.

By calling our senators & rep & demanding they vote no on his corrupt appointees (this week). By following the REAL news like WaPo & CNN etc, and not letting him get away with it.

Think they are finally realizing that saying “trump claims” without fact checking him is insufficient.

I got a subscription to the WaPo right after the election & they are really doing a good job. They were the ones that broke the trump “charity” back last fall, too. ❤

A ray of sunshine in all of this is seeing that the press is finally just addressing his falsehoods straight up. Good for them- and they better keep it up, because I don’t see trump cooling it with his blatant lies anytime soon.

And call your damn senators/reps to complain, dammit! It only takes a couple minutes, but let us not forget

I’m thinking that the Rep aren’t going to waver much if any on his appointees because it’s just too soon in the administration. We have more going for us when it comes to votes on policy positions down the line.. like actually killing the ACA when 30mil Americans have gotten insurance (or stayed on parent’s plans)

This is a really old thread but I’d be happy to debate & discuss if you’d like!

It is, indeed. As is reading in the news that the republican staffers are getting quite perturbed by having to deal with getting so many calls from all of us!

That’s awesome! I’ve been calling them as much as I can, and though I know I won’t change my red state pol’s views I reckon it helps. My rep is part of the “freedom caucus” and sees doing away with Obamacare as his #1 goal as far as I can see, but I hope folks in other states are doing the same & together we can stop

One thing that helps is calling your MOCs. You can get their #s off te internet, call ‘em up to rant about the ACA one day, Sessions the next, Pruit the day after.

I hope you are calling your rep & senators! The more they hear from us, the less likely they are to take our insurance away. It’s true if you live in a red or blue state- the Dems need encouragement & the republicans need to hear how much we care.

I have to agree. But we can’t sit by and watch this unfold, right?

I dunno if it’s that simple.... the press was a much bigger deal back then, but now if a person googles something they get a pile of info (much un-vetted).

On election night I finally understood so much better how ppl in history have let terrible dictators come to power. How democracies have fallen.

I’m with you on the “crying on the inside” but we also have WORK TO DO to fight trump like the tea party fought Obama (but, with less crazy racist bullshit)