Red Bird

Just remind yourself that:

I’m with you on the 5 countries thing, except: 1) how could it happen peacefully? 2) I’d probably have to give up the south & im born & bred here and 3) they’d never give up CA.

Yup, me too. Even worse, got my husband to *encourage* me to do it. Oh boy, what now?????

Fair question, and glad you asked, and YES it’s pretty different from the shenanigans going on here in NC:

You heard Jill Stein is asking for the recounts yet?

I’m with you, and I’m sure she’s in it to make the greens the “good guys” here, but i don’t fucking care. Just glad someone is doing it.

It’s now way over the $2.5 million, so I guess this is a go.

Now that Stein has raised the required 2.5 mil to pay for these 3 recounts (in under a day, no less)......

Maybe it’s because our laws just haven’t caught up with the potential risks associated with using computers in voting.

Wtf.... this is not, by any stretch of the imagination, “a nice thought”.

Thanks for sharing your stories of speaking up & being believed!

I’m so sorry this happened to you

I hope not. Screw his dad, but he didn’t sign up for this shit.

The thing I’m facing now is how to move forward with that group. I don’t see the point in bringing any of this up now, because I really want them to STAY engaged.

Yeah, I am still grappling with how any person who voted for Trump was able to reconcile his numerous hateful remarks with their conscience but I DO know that nobody’s going to listen to a word I say if I’m calling them names.

I agree that it’s too little too late, but I have to be cautiously optimistic (that may be far to strong a word, optimistic) to hear of ANY republicans currently in office not bowing down.

I’m not so sure Comey acted to help Trump; from what I’ve read he’s maybe anti-Clinton, but he’s also just a “I’ve got to do the ‘right’ thing no matter the rules” kinda guy (dangerous for a FBI director, thinking personal morality supersedes the law!)

I’m just thankful for any sign that they aren’t ALL drinking the koolaid.

I think you are right that for a lot of them it was Hillary hate, not Trump love.

I hadn’t heard that! Ugh....