Red Bird

Not all of us. I wrote in Nader in my intensely-red state back in 2000, piously doing my little protest vote & knowing it didn’t matter & so sure Gore would win. Thinking this would make the Dems take us progressives more seriously & all that.


However you are absolutely correct that we should never again take for granted that we are gonna win. If Hillary had been less cocky she would’ve spent more time in Wisconsin and Michigan. If “we” had been less cocky more of us would’ve voted &/or begged our non-voting pals to show up.

The polls leading up to the election had her at a 3-4 point lead nationally w a margin of error 3. In swing states it was even closer. The polls weren’t wrong, they all fell inside that margin of error.

A word of encouragement via DailyKos: Republican senator Lindsay Graham wants the senate to hold hearings about Russian spies tampering with the election.

I think talking to ppl you know (not just right now when a lot of us are just on a rant) about the issues & candidates and why you support so&so, this&that can be really effective.

My theory is a ton of folks thought she was gonna win so they didn’t have to vote.

Unisex bathrooms! They are for everyone 😊

Man I sure HOPE... But we’ll see, hmm?

I have to say, there are worse things than a Fox News person who actually stands up to all of the blatant sexism Trump has been throwing around.... Maybe next we’ll get someone over there that openly accepts the science regarding climate change, or someone that acknowledges racial bias in our police forces & society

Thank you. We all know that Trump doesn’t represent “all guys” or “all locker room talk” but his claims that it does are upsetting (to put it mildly). In the wake of this news, I’ve taken solace in the huge numbers of men who have come forward to refute Trump’s assertion that this is just how the men are when women

But only A & B have a shot at the Oval Office. Any vote for a 3rd party or write in is a protest vote that only takes away from achieving progressive goals (assuming you’re on the left).

Yes exactly this. I’m white, I’m middle class. I have not so much to lose. But I do kinda care about the folks that have a lot to lose. So I’m voting for Hillary & not just because she ain’t trump. Believe it or not, I think she’d make a pretty damn fine president.

My Dad is one of those: a lifelong republican, he doesn’t like Hillary AT ALL. But he’s (quietly, grudgingly) voting for her. And against our NC Gov McRory.

Who is that sending a message of change to, exactly?

I completely understand the dissatisfaction with moneyed elites calling the shots. I do. It’s serious, and something needs to change (though I’d wager not-voting isn’t going to change a damn thing for the better)

I was saying just that today when talking politics with a couple of friends, and one of them told me of a conspiracy theory running around in some of the Bernie camp that they believe Trump is actually running “just to make Hillary look good” (in some secret back room deal, I’m guessing, that occurred back in 2009

You & me both. Seeing her now, hopefully our next president, despite everything she's risen above... It's pretty amazing.

And that's why I love her for keeping on & getting this far