Red Bird

I'm glad you're out there, sister 😘

I'm in!

Me too! Honestly, I don’t understand these folks... It's like they care more about who wins the dem PRIMARY than the White House Wtf

Thank you!

Vote for the best one. The least shitty one. But still— vote.

I know! If we liberal sorts can vote & keep talking to our non-voting liberal friends & such about the importance of voting, then we can start calling the shots instead of the NRA.

Or VOTING for the other candidate....

I hear you. But honestly who gives a fuck about hunting rifles when automatics & semiautomatics and all of that are available with zero thought to the cost to society?

Yup..., I just scan the headlines looking for something that has an interesting (good or bad) conversation going on down below!

True, but man... I’d like to see them (& everyone else) become “regular voters”! The more the merrier 😊

So Hillary makes Goldman Sachs pay through the nose but for PP she gives it out for free?


And I LOVE that she calls him Donald.

I agree

We should get one then, huh? Liberals have to start voting!

I know, I know... It’s really disheartening! Recent speculation about Warren as VP pick might change their apathy, but then again I offer this recent anecdotal evidence:

No kidding! If liberals start to vote down ballot (& just freakin VOTE in the little elections) then we’ll really start to see things change. I hope they keep strong on that message!

Hmmmm..... “almost”? 🤔

Well, we could vote in local/state elections, for one. The reason this bill was able to pass is that the R win huge majorities in NC (& many other states) in the “off” years. We liberals tend to skip non-presidential elections & the other side doesn’t. So remind everyone to vote- not just in November but ALWAYS!

This law is in place because democrats & liberals don’t bother to vote in non-presidential year elections. Obama won NC both times (?) but in the “off years” the Republicans swept NC elections since liberals didn’t care enough to vote. So the religious right has power in the vast majority of state legislatures & pass