Red Bird

So never bait an Irishman?

And you know one of her friends read that & said “um, THAT’S not quite what he said, hon” but she was so feeling the rage by then she wouldn’t take a nice deep breath & calm the fuck down.

Oh, how I WISH american restaurants would take a page from his book, but... Hahahahaha

FFS. If he really wants to help someone who makes less, why not champion the movement to abolish server wages, instead of giving just nice tips?

No kidding. Today, a server received a 50% cash tip from a lunch customer. My friend was agog & all we could figure was that the woman was (or had been) a server. The day before, a guy who loved everything about his service & food (and was quite demanding of her time in that “jovial old man” kinda way) left a tip that

I know, right? At least he admitted it was PART of tipping’s appeal to him, but man! That guy is so oblivious to the fact that making a person’s living dependent upon pleasing customers (who may or may not want to be “big shots” ) is inherently tacky & unfair.


Try pact brand. They aren't hot-weather or good if you are short, but they last forever. And they are made in the US, of fairly traded organic cotton. I have a few pairs that have been with me for 4 years. Not bad!

Try pact brand. They aren't hot-weather or good if you are short, but they last forever. And they are made in the

Anyone try PACT? I love them. PACT brand makes awesome, durable, cute, warm tights.... And fabulous underpants & camisoles. They are all fair trade cotton, often organic, made in the US, and generally an all-around great brand.

Anyone try PACT? I love them. PACT brand makes awesome, durable, cute, warm tights.... And fabulous underpants &

That should be illegal. The credit cards companies really are pirates with their fees but companies should pass the buck to the customer if they really want to cut down credit card use, they shouldn’t penalize the server. What’s the server supposed to do, beg their customers to pay cash? It’s not cool.

I think it originated as some management thing but it quickly has morphed into every douchebag’s excuse for treating service people badly. For blaming the clerk or server for something that is utterly out of their control and the like. Ugh.

It's up there, but I'm with Pinkham. We have so many things that suck & tipping isn't always bad. Thank fucking god.

They just get more angry & insistent if you show them. It’s just not worth it—- something you just gotta take with the job. The service industry can suck sometimes. 😕

Yeah, but please... You try it. Irate customers just get worse. Hopefully management let the server deduct that sale when calculating his tip out, but honestly everyone’s hands are tied here. The customer knows “the customer is always right” and social media like yelp & trip advisor etc have only made things much much

Dude, that is one place. And every state has a different tip wage. It’s 2.13 on up. If she made the 2.13 wage and $50 tip on 6 hours, it would be $10.46 before she tips out the other staff or has ss & taxes taken out. And that is worth complaining about, don’t you think?

Yes. And man, I cannot believe they make her pay the merchant fees on credit card sales. Is that really what you just said?!


Yup. And I found it curious that he didn’t complain a single bit about the service, just that he was charged that “outrageous” sum.and if he had anything to actually complain about, something tells me he would have.

Now wait a minute.... it’s just an assumption on your part (and the letter writer’s) that the server lied. He just as likely thought that was the case.

Im not in NYC but all over the US places will have a gratuity added for parties over a certain size, or for split checks. It’s always (usually?) stated on the menu, but in my experience, when a customer complains /makes scene about gratuities (or pretty much anything else) the policy is to go into comp-mode &