
Sorry about your dad. That’s rough.

I didn’t try to open it before completing the game, so I actually don’t know when it unlocks, but I believe it replaces your powers with Domino, Blink, and Dark Vision.

I think this didn’t happen in arcades because if you said the stuff in person people say online a group of people would have dragged you into the alley out back & pummeled you. Internet Anonymity is the reason people get this way.
As for overblown? I played a ton of Diablo 1 back in the day but played exactly one

Kotaku is paid for favorable destiny coverage.

I guess it is true then that video games are like crack cocaine. That first hit being free and all. :P

Titanfall: Assault is more of a Clash Royale-style troop deployment attack and defense game.

But what if I told you the music was full of fucks and shits?

“499 is too high” holy shit people, do you know how much pc gamers pay for 4k gaming?! we’ve only just now gotten a gpu on the market that can handle 4k resolutions in all games, max setting and still maintain a stable 60fps! that gpu is the 1080ti and it costs 700 bucks by itself! now you want to tell me that 499 is

seriously, every second or third article on KOTAKU is about trump. Is this really necessary ? I’m not coming to kotaku to be bombarded with political news.

I think the reason B-movies are no longer a thing is because people that are fans of certain franchises either expect trash or perfection, there is no inbetween. Which I think is bullshit because many things we geeks and nerds like came from those same kind of movies but as “adults” we became kind of cynical to the

I don’t like politics in my video games!

This is my favorite CoD campaign probably ever. I was not expecting to like this game as much as I do, it’s shocking.

Warhammer Vermitide is a pretty amazing game with similar mechanics. $40 on PS4 currently

I’ll star you out of the greys as you do make valid points. Also I neglected to add a very important caveat which was I was only comparing single player campaigns. Back at that time my multiplayer diet consisted of Counter Strike, de_dust and gun games. So I never really got a chance to explore the multiplayer side of

I guess it’s good pop culture, especially Japanese pop culture, isn’t rife with gender bending characters that do away with the gender binary anyway.

Except for Chapman, he didn’t give one single fuck.

If people want everyone to stop dressing like Nazis, they’ve got to design cooler clothes for everyone to wear, because, say what you will about the Nazis, their uniforms were stylish, commanding, and somewhat sexy, which is exactly what they were designed to look like. Everyone always says the devil has the best

I can’t believe I just read someone comparing the racism in this game to equal trumps platform. You are are part of the problem. You don’t see reality.

The series still works for me, though I can definitely understand why others wouldn’t feel the same.