
I’m sorry that’s ridiculous. NSO is hardly worth the monthly fee right now as someone who doesn’t do a lot of online gaming. The NES/SNES stuff was cool but its pretty much the only thing you get besides online gaming with NSO. Now they are finally introducing new content (new meaning games that came out 25+ years

No one has the time for RPGs anymore!

They lost the release source code to VII and IX, and the source code to VIII altogether. The people porting these games are working with unfinished games.

Square Enix’s ports of these classic games have been an absolute joke. It would be one thing if they’d botched one or two of them then gotten their act together, but it’s every single time they release one. And they always seem to be asking at least $30 for a 20+ year old games.

Overall a reasonable opinion. I disagree that it doesn’t pay off. Thus far the change has been great. The vehicle focus provides a new mechanic which is highlighted by the large and open map. It’s clear most people are not accustomed to this change as they are using the same strategies as more infantry focused

So like... how many maps are there? How many game types are available in multiplayer? How’s the matchmaking UI? How many guns? Are the guns locked behind personal level and/or challenges of some sort? What is the tick rate of the servers? Do you have the option of choosing a server? How many classes are there? What

No Trump fanboy here, and I know a solution to this whole ordeal that doesn’t involve him at all. Ready for it?

Wait no further my friend! I refused to play this game until it was updated for XOX. Got a busy night ahead now.

Sitting here still waiting for an Xbox One X patch.

It’ll be out soon! And hopefully worth the wait! But yeah.

Meanwhile us Switch peasants are stuck with reading all these great articles and crying.

I’ve tried streaming services like these and I just can’t enjoy them. There’s juuuust enough latency between when I press the button and when the action happens onscreen that I notice it, and it kills my suspension of disbelief. It’s always there, nagging in the back of my mind.


Trust me, I haven’t had a sweet desert in some time and seeing this (and finding out they make a dark chocolate version) is killing me right now.

Modern visuals - make everything dark as shit. Have you ever tried to play a game with the logo ‘just barely visible’, like recommended? It’s a fucking joke!

I’m genuinely baffled that so many people on Kotaku - an enthusiast gaming site - are having trouble understanding what we’re talking about. Like, if I was talking to my friends who only play a few games a year I’d get it, but I’m used to the people on Kotaku generally understanding things like “this is a new version

Can’t help myself....Warlocks Motorcycle Club Club?


There are businesses in Japan, namely onsen, that ban customers (even foreign tourists) with tattoos as a way of barring Yakuza.