
Anyone with a recent premium TV, with one of those super quantum chipsets, can experience the same 60fps with motion interpolation. It does the same exact thing as XSX fpsboost mode but with any console. Dont go by old reports either(older versions gave it a bad rep), the new versions of motion interpolation are

And I just bought around 20rpgs for 3ds/ds that I never got to play from growing up poor. Just came into some money recently, and bought them. I have no idea how I’m gonna find time play even one of them though lol.

Im pretty sure it’s just FF8 that got lost. It’s their reason for not porting it.

The Switch is a strange thing...I just recently got one and I’ve been a strict console gamer forever. Well I was so fascinated with it, I ended up buying my son and three of his friends a Switch(plus accessories and a case for each person). I had this weird generosity take over me. Then I bought my mom one lol. I

You mean that she found a new love already?(Judith) and that new love will eventually die like all the others.(cancer) a never ending repeating cycle for Lagertha. Maybe that's why she likes Judith, because she knows she will die. And Lagertha has come to expect that with her lovers. 

I played it twice in a row! Loved it! Like they say, keeps friends close but your enemies closer!

If youve played 7 hours already, it cant be THAT bad...just saying.

I wish NPCs where real living A.I., then i could get more gratification from torturing them haha!

Hate to say it but the world needs balance. Yin and yang, black and white etc. We dont live in a fantasy world here people. Entering our country illegal is upsetting the balance, plain and simple. And if those employees dont like it, then leave. Good luck finding another job as awesome as that haha.

Wow, they arrested some HUGE criminals there! What do they say when in lockup and the other criminals ask what theyre in for?? Haha id pay to see that situation.

I luv the game. Im a huge fan of the series. We dont get much stuff as there is, especailly games, and now this. Victor Miller is........well im not gonna go to that level. Its just such a damn shame man....

Its xbox one X enhanced as of this morning. Playing now and it looks great!

Glad you decided to stop watching guides. I played and finished the game on the first week of release without any help or guides. And it was one of the best gaming expereinces i ever had! Cant stress enough to people about this. Playing Dark Souls completely blind was a majestical journey that i have rarely ever

Best way to play this game is to not read any tips or ask for any help. Its the way i played and finished it in on the original release, and i wouldnt trade that experience for anything!

Sseriously,,, what did they think would happen? It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out. What a waste......

Update: just checked and i cant record or share, so they took it down. This happened to me before. Most recently with Space Hulk

Uhh..its available on the xbox store today. Not sure what happened there, but i was able to buy and download it.

This was great to read. Being a Far Cry2 fan, this reminds me exactly why i loved it so much. Far Cry 2 will always be my favorite Far Cry and one of my all time fav games. The most immersive game i ever played to this day. I would kill for a 4k patch on the X.

This bug is on xbox too. Just quit the baron quest and was treated like a normal quit. Upon returning, it started at the beginning and i had to use another ticket.

Yes, tranq ammo works great! I find the tranq ammo is ALOT easier to do. Because you can have it ready and loaded at the same time you have your trap ready. No more bumbling through your item menu in panic lol.