

Online multiplayer. Very few of my friends play games these days, and I have no interest in playing with strangers.

Games are iterative. The game that introduces something isn’t necessarily the game that manages to popularize it. Very often, they’re not even the game that gets it “right.”

This is Run the Jewels, a duo composed of Brooklyn based producer El-P, and Atlanta based rapper Killer Mike. Probably the best hip-hop out there right now. El-P is one of the best producers (one of the founders of the “underground” east coast scene), and Killer Mike is one of the best lyricists. They both are in the

This is what is wrong with the system. Guy, admittedly stupidly, brings an airsoft gun onto a train. Cops show up, they cause the “disorderly conduct for creating a disturbance”, then they charge the guy with a crime he did not commit, because he was in most likely just sitting waiting for his stop.

Pictured: The one concrete statement about all of this.

I have yet to see a movie with Brent Spiner where he wasn’t awesome and arguably one of the best parts. He’s easily one of the most fun actor’s to watch.

Well that’s a good secret to know, as I’m actually in training to be a counselor myself. I will keep that in mind lol. I hope (if what you said was true about being that person yourself) that you continue on the right path, living a healthy and enjoyable life :)

But I never assumed that though lol. I said in my comment I’m not judging how anyone lives. If someone never played games and said they hate it, you might tell them the same right? What I am saying is that it’s the same with everything. This is something I agree with 100% everyone can choose how to live. But deciding

That’s fair lol. Obviously not everyone will be able to do everything. But 1 thing, just cuz you went to prison or did drugs doesn’t mean you’re a bad person and should confine yourself to your home. Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn’t, but not everyone that did is like that. Some people make mistakes, but those

What if gaming is your life and when you’re 80 years old you only played games your whole life. You have no regrets and enjoyed every second of it. You’re content with your life. Did anyone think of that? Why do most people assume that going outside will give everyone in the world pleasure?

I had no interest in RE VII until I found out you could play it without VR. Overall, I can’t imagine they changed any minds on PS VR yesterday. If you liked it before, you still do, if you were skeptical, that hasn't changed either.

Yeah none of the VR stuff looked that great, a lot of it seemed tacked on just ‘cause

Not really... it was really vague and uneventful. The RE logo at the end is the only exciting thing about it IMO.

*Starts having flashbacks to Sony’s attempt at motion controls*

My heart just sank.

VR is just a fad anyway. Gaming is my way of relaxing when I get home, I lay on the couch and jump into Fallout for a few hours. I don’t want to go home and stand for two hours flailing my arms. Those who will use it will use it, those who won’t, won’t. I hope.

Finally got around to booting up South Park: The Stick of Truth. Damned fine and funny game. A bit easier than I was expecting, but I'm still having a blast.

I thought it was because of these little guys?