
Thanks and good luck with your career. I always had more respect for the passionate counclers rather than the rehab counclers using the position a “stepping stone” for their career.I can almost immediately tell the difference during the first session. So I appreciate your genuinity. Game therapy really has saved my

I agree. People im talking about definately didnt start and end with one hobby lol. We experienced more than most living an unhealthy crazy lifestyle. But the ones who are free need to keep busy IN the house lol. and gaming mixed with meds seem to work. Its a councler secret;)

Well thats right for normal people haha but then you have crazy people who are on meds and ex-convicts or ex-dope addicts....these people are better off staying inside playing me im one of these peoples;)

I started playing XCOM again since it went bc and was really really looking forward to playing Saturday (today)........then I got called in to work:( *cry* *sigh* *bigger cry*

“I do my own stunt” lol. The only thing jackie chan is known for. Haha

“I do my own stunt” lol.

Haha same thing for me. Logo was best part!

Gah!!! Im having deja vu of Wii nightmares!

Looks like ill be playing re4 and re5 remastered for a long time once they come out.maybe I can hit my head and get amnesia for another first time experience. ...if I were only so lucky....

VR gaming......just the wii all over again. I cant see hard working individuals like myself coming home from work and throwing my arms around like a monkey. I just want to relax with a traditional controller.

If you like it or not, xbox will be getting the crown back now. Everyone will always want the more powerful console.

Dude i love game movies man screw the haters lol...mortal kombat still one of my favs to watch! Great read

I recently played through and finished dark souls again right after I finished dark souls3.playing on the xbox one and I dont know if im crazy or what but I think dark souls still looks the best! I love the shiny armor and lighting! Is it just me? That shiny armor on xbox man......dunno just looks cooler than part2&3

I stumbled across a fight club and attacked the host and the whole team tried attacking me...I ran away and used the hiding spell. The whole team spent 30 minutes trying to find me hahaha..I kept using the shout gesture just to rub it in. I finally revealed myself and just as they were about to kill me I clapped and

Have any prices been mentioned or thrown around yet? Gamers arent full of money since we play more than we work lol...hopefully they get this by now and they arent gonna cost us a small fortune to buy. (Fingers crossed)

Its a shame because it was one of the few console games that had great user content....

I pre ordered on x1 and still havnt got my bonus dlc pack. Anyone else not get theres?

Im using havels armor and I noticed im able to recover from someone parrying me alot quicker.maybe thats it. Also the stability on great shields take less stamina hits

Ill be playing”cutting the grass and yardwork”lol not to mention just had three teeth pulled.of course ill be sneaking in some star wars galaxy of heroes haha....damn I wish i was a kid so I could play all weekend

I played the gears4 beta for a total of about 10 minutes...cant put my finger on it yet and I know its only beta but it feels just wierd to me. Although the 60fps looks absolutely smooth as silk.