
Same here lol! This Game has some of the craziest stuff ive seen on a console (almost X-rated) I liked it so much It inspired me to buy the Pinball FX2 South Park tables!

I bought it for x1 and was so confused when I started watching the tutorial videos . Im like why doesnt my game look like this tutorial footage???? Yep thats right folks like mike says....they use the super awesome flawless 60fps pc footage for every tutorial video and when the video ends your back to 15fps

I remember playing the first he made awhile back and it was way better than 90% of the rest of user created stuff. Ill have to check out his newer ones! Thanks for the article, otherwise I may never had checked for his newer stuff! Thanks!!

For current gen I meant

And yet no Warhammer console games.....cant we get at least one geeze

Diablo3 2.4 is so much fun that it still has me in its grasp. Ill be playing all weekend on my x1

A little gem on the gba called The Lord of the Rings:the Third Age. Turn based strategy at its finest!

Yes fuck cancer. If u never been impacted by cancer from a close family member (my dad has cancer) you truely may not understand. I admit that I didnt until it hit my inner family circle. Cancer effects the family in the worst way. It turns your life upside down spending all your time helping them. I wish the best to

Resident evil6....after re4&5 (yes I luvd 5) I honestly remember sleep playing through 6....kinda like when u sleep drive to work, then when u get to work you cant remember driving there! That was my fallout4.

U cant skip talking scenes now. Use to love hearing Marcus yelling at everyone to shut up lol

I worked as a projectionist back in 2000 so it might be different now...but the trailers were up to me. I had to physically splice the trailers onto the first movie reel.they would give me a box full of mini-reels (trailers) and I got to choose which and what order.

So true...american youth are a bunch of lazy bums.and not just the youth, most young adults are bums too. Out of all my friends im the only one who can hold a job...its pathetic really

anyone else notice that they are on xbox360? Police salary must be very low where he is if he can't afford xbox one...I mean seriously