
Awake, awake, Zion, clothe yourself with strength! Put on your garments of splendor, Jerusalem, the holy city. And maybe, like, an ankle brace or something, ‘cause damn that don’t look good.”

Nahhh. There is NO good excuse for doing something like this, which re-victimizes real victims by making it just that much harder for them to be taken seriously. If he did this, he is a bad human. 

This is an exception to the rule. I may do this too if I think about it.

I know T. Jon ( we worked at the same company for a short time) so I’m not going to argue with him, especially since his explanation is accurate. But there is another reason.

It doesn’t have to be. Sports/team culture definitely can get toxic, but the good teams and the good coaches that I’ve been involved with haven’t functioned that way. Good leadership can curtail a lot of abusive team behaviors. 

There’s a reason the current DSM calls it autism SPECTRUM disorder.

My wife had a c-section for all 3 kids. The first was 20 hours of walking through halls waiting for a bed, then the pitocin and epidural and the drape. She was exhausted, sweaty, miserable, strapped in, and it was 5am. They sliced her open like a mullet, started leaning on her stomach as fluids gushed out, and she

Alright, maybe some good players should stay in small markets. 

Drafter or traded talent...we’ll see where Leonard, Giannis, etc. go when they hit free agency.

My wife and I are having our first in a couple months. Anytime someone says anything close to “do you think you’re ready”, I tell them that we have a dog, so we have a pretty good idea of what we’re doing. Literally as I was typing this, my uncle just asked me if I was prepared to change diapers. Told him that we’re

Oh exiting ramps are their own monster. It’s definitely a different story when the lane you’re merging from isn’t actually going away.

Are you trying to say you’re a traffic engineer or something? Or just trying to be snarky?

A merge point is a merge point. If you’re moving from one lane to another without having a need to be in that lane, you’re creating more traffic. When enough people do this, it creates a vacant travel lane for no reason, which just, for some reason, angers early mergers when people who understand how traffic works, use

Tailgaters - specifically the ones that are flying in the passing lane, then ride inches off your bumper while your passing. You get over and they just keep on going, probably cussing you for going “slow” and cruising in the left lane while they keep cruising in the passing lane. It’s not a fast lane, it’s a passing

This is an easy one... I have a list:
1 - Not pay attention at a stop light, miss the green when it first turns green, only go after it turns yellow, then leave me stuck for another cycle :(

2 - Drive slower than traffic in the passing lane. It’s not the “fast lane” its the passing lane. If you are going 5 mph over the

I drive many highway miles a week and am pretty calm on the roads.

Leaving too much space between cars at a stop light, especially when it blocks other cars from getting into a turn lane.

Talking on the phone isn’t one that’s going away.

The best part of the unguarantees is the total dismanagement and deinterpretation of the inresponsible actions of his agent.

If you read this in a -Emmitt Smith voice, it’s way funnier.