
I was arguing this point on another thread. You rarely if ever see elite talent choose smaller markets as a UFA. You could even argue the PG13 re-signing doesn’t fall into that category b/c he had 1/3 of a season to familiarize himself with OKC (a decision that was not his) and see what they could offer before he

My wife had a C-section for both of our boys. She’s a CT tech at the hospital. Our first was 12 days late and she was at work when the doctors decided it was time to harvest the squatter in her body. He came out well overdue for a haircut. The second one was a scheduled C-section about 10 days prior to the due date.

You can triple your crate time by adding a water-sipper to the side of the cage.

As far as pre-birth prep, I read the books and those came in handy once we had the baby home. I went to all the classes with my wife and was prepped and I was ready to be the best cheerleader possible when the day finally came. Well the due date came... and went. 12 days later I receive a call from my wife, who’s

To your first point, I rolled up on someone at a stop sign waiting to turn left with no cross traffic. I waited about 10 seconds with no movement, and finally moved into the straight/right lane to go around them and turn left. I saw they were fucking around on their phone with no regard for what was going on around

Especially when they decide to move left with 50+ yards between them and the slower vehicle in front of them...

You don’t even need to have a high school diploma to figure this out.  This seems like a common sense type thing here, right?  How can anyone possibly think that by extending the bottleneck, they’re helping out?

Traffic will ALWAYS slow due to a merge. Are you suggesting that because of the bottleneck you are in favor of abandoning what could be miles worth of open lane out of courtesy? That sounds super counterproductive when you could be using two lanes instead of one and merge responsibly at the point the lane ends.

Looking over to see phone mounted on the dash and it’s streaming Netflix...  I have seen this several times on my commute home on I-40 in Raleigh

I had a young asshole in a GT86 (registered under his dad’s name) try it with about .75 car length. To be clear that car length is calculated as me in the left lane to the car in front of him in the middle lane. He tried to gun up to the car in front of him and jump in front of me. There was about 3 car lengths

In 4th grade at a private Catholic school, early 90's, I was cast as Jim for our Huckleberry Finn play.  I think you can imagine what the costume looked like.

They’ve been in the Super Bowl in every decade from the 1980's-2010's so I’d say they’ve had a pretty good run of it overall...

Myself and the rest of the basketball team took a Fundamentals of Basketball course my one year at a JUCO. The prof was also the head basketball coach. It was just an extra 90 minutes of basketball practice. There were a couple of other kids in the “class” that were not on the team. They basically got an A for


The Knicks are an irretrievable dumpster fire. But I’m willing to bet that they at least get their names into the conversation when your talking about top FA’s.

Because they had a history there. If PG13 doesn’t get traded to OKC, he would’ve been wearing gold and purple. If these larger markets didn’t have an overwhelming advantage when all else is equal, why do you think the NBA introduced the super-max deals? It’s for the mid-markets to at least enter the discussion of

It’s gotta be Reggie Jackson when he’s hurt and unable to play, right?

Welp.... not as bad as the Grizz or Magic... I feel bad for your mom, man.

I agree. I’m a Pistons fan that has watched a middling team since around 2008. Coaching/Drafting/FO competence are all equally important IMO. I just hate watching the same teams waste lottery picks, hand out stupid contracts, and make terrible trades year in and year out. The teams that are okay with the perpetual

Ooof.. That really sucks man. Who are they playing? Hopefully it’s the Thunder and not the Magic or Grizz. That way at least there would still be some exciting players to watch... well for the 1st half, maybe.